rietveld_l-1998 by thread
Starting: Thu Dec 31 1970 - 13:00:19
Ending: Sun Oct 18 1998 - 10:19:38
Messages: 437
- editors?? Quirina Roode
- AW: editors?? Koehler Thomas
- Stacking fault analysis Charles Witham
- <none> Gustavo Cifredo Chacon
- Re: Seeing and printing Fullprof output files Armel Le Bail
- Re: What?: Re: RCPT: editors?? Zhao
- Re: Seeing and printing Fullprof output files Adam Guzik
- Re: Seeing and printing Fullprof output files Gustavo Cifredo Chacon
- GSAS data format Sang-Heon Shim
- RIET LIST: Standard XRD Datasets now on the Web for IUCr-CPD Quant Analysis Round Robin L. Cranswick
- GSAS L's Keith Rogers
- Rietveld assymetry parameter Charles Witham
- (Fwd) RE: GSAS powder data file with uneven step sizes Jens Wenzel Andreasen
- Constraining the density.... Rory M Wilson
- Support for Rietveld Newsgroup Proposal? L. Cranswick
- RIET List - Missing bit of rant - Support for Rietveld Newsgroup Proposal? L. Cranswick
- Web pointer to bionet.xtallography archive L. Cranswick
- BGMN/Asymmetric profile shape bergmann
- AW: Support for Rietveld Newsgroup Proposal? Koehler Thomas
- Pharmaceutical XRD Data plus warning for QARR Participants L. Cranswick
- Paper on Genetic Algorithms for Powder Diffraction Structure Solution L. Cranswick
- Re: Paper on Genetic Algorithms for Powder Diffraction Armel Le Bail
- Monte Carlo, Genetic Algorithms (...) for Powder Structure Armel Le Bail
- problem with the PC-GSAS Tao
- Monte Carlo, Genetic Algorithms (...) for Powder Structure Solution wifd@isise.rl.ac.uk
- Re: Monte Carlo, Genetic Algorithms (...) for Powder Armel Le Bail
- Re: Monte Carlo, Genetic Algorithms (...) for Powder Bob Von Dreele
- New versions of GSAS Bob Von Dreele
- Re: Monte Carlo, Genetic Algorithms (...) for Powder Armel Le Bail
- Another version of GSAS Bob Von Dreele
- Polyethylene Structure Diffract
- Le Bail vs. Rietveld, in determing precise unit cell dimensions Tao
- Re: Le Bail vs. Rietveld, in determing precise unit cell Armel Le Bail
- Re: Monte Carlo, Genetic Algorithms (...) for Powder Struc Jens Trommer
- Integrated intensities - missing the big picture ? Kenneth Shankland
- End of the line Kenneth Shankland
- No SDPDRR Armel Le Bail
- End of the line wifd@isise.rl.ac.uk
- Structure solution from powders - an invitation Lubomir Smrcok
- Sorry Bill ! Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble
- about direct methods Nita DRAGOE
- Job vacancy in CSIRO Minerals, Australia Ian Madsen
- Re: Unsubscribe Armel Le Bail
- New VRML viewers and 3D structure visualisation Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble
- Ab initio Armel Le Bail
- <none> Ram SESHADRI
- GSAS and "ab initio" Stefan Kaskel
- solving intergrowth defects Wataru SUGIMOTO
- Ab initio & Monte Carlo Quirina Roode
- SirWare page - powder data structure solution software L. Cranswick
- P2XY GSAS Postscript to ASCII column data program updated Tadashi Ozawa
- Question about texture data? H M Park
- New BGMN versions for UNIX etc. Joerg Bergmann
- RIET USERS: Multiple OS GUI C++ Tools L. Cranswick
- VRML viewer error Margret Geselbracht
- Web-version: IUCr-CPD Powder Diffraction Newsletter L. Cranswick
- Problems in proteins crystallography Manuel J. Roman Alpiste
- RIET USERS: Friendly Programs plus GSAS Friendly MS-Windows GUI Ortep Program L. Cranswick
- Rietveld GUI Brett Hunter
- Re: RIET USERS: Friendly Programs plus GSAS Friendly Armel Le Bail
- Single peak fitting in GSAS Bob Von Dreele
- Size Keith Rogers
- clay identification Quirina Roode
- Guinier geometry and Rietveld KURTL@ASU.EDU
- Guinier & Rietveld Carsten Schinzer
- Announcements to CWW - Crystallography World Wide Howard Flack
- unit cell refinement Nita DRAGOE
- Unit Cells, Structure, Indexing Carsten Schinzer
- Unit cell Srebri Petrov
- Rietveld, Unit cells and Perovskites Jaap Vente
- PLOTR Gustavo Cifredo Chacon
- Example Fullprof ESD - and GSAS ESD files??? L. Cranswick
- PLOTR DIC 98 Gustavo Cifredo Chacon
- Crystallographic data Fabio Ferraco
- Inel Charles Witham
- (no subject) Rory M Wilson
- Powder Diffractometer at SSRL Apurva
- Converting GSAS DOS Raw data into VAX/VMS Format? L. Cranswick
- Powder Diffractometer at SSRL Apurva
- Zero shift vs sample shift Jaap Vente
- Zero shift vs sample shift Quirina Roode
- Summary: GSAS DOS/UNIX data to VMS L. Cranswick
- GSAS with energy dispersive data Sang-Heon Shim
- neutron scattering lengths Quirina Roode
- Sepiolite structure wanted..... Manuel J. Roman Alpiste
- Re: Palygoskite Structure Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble
- GSAS2Cif-file Srebri Petrov
- Suitable standards for Inel PSD calibration Tao
- GSAS Plot Hongwu Xu
- Sample height vs Zero point (continued) Jaap Vente
- Powder diffraction workshop Ian Swainson, Steacie Institute, NRC
- unit cell Nita DRAGOE
- Structures from powders revisited... Kenneth Shankland
- Polyhedra Modeling Kits? L. Cranswick
- Structures from powders revisited... Kenneth Shankland
- Molecule location, a distinct topic in crystallography ? Armel Le Bail
- absorption contrast? Quirina Roode
- LeBail Method things - and query L. Cranswick
- Re: GSAS2Cif-file Tony Raftery
- chart paper for antique XRD Dewey Moore
- Molecule location, a distinct topic in crystallography ? Paolo G. Radaelli
- Molecule location Kenneth Shankland
- UnitCell for Windows Simon Redfern
- A bit problem with GSAS Manuel J. Roman Alpiste
- Instrument Parameter file for GSAS question Laurance Beauvais
- Lepidocrocite Structure Diffract
- Mineral structure representation and WWW lecture notes Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble
- Riet Users: Structure Determination by Powder X-Ray Diffraction Round Robin L. Cranswick
- Re: A few questions Ian Madsen
- U, V, W vs Fundamental Parameters: Re: A few questions L. Cranswick
- Re: U, V, W vs Fundamental Parameters: Re: A few questions Paolo G. Radaelli
- Re: U, V, W vs Fundamental Parameters: Re: A few questions Armel Le Bail
- PbO-Polymorphs Diffract
- RIET: Available Free Resources for Crystallographic Programmers/Developers L. Cranswick
- Re: Hydrotalcite Structures Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble
- Re: Hydrotalcite Structures Benyam Estifanos
- Re: U, V, W vs Fundamental Parameters Armel Le Bail
- SDPD Round Robin news L. Cranswick
- KOALARIET INFORMATION Francisco L. Cumbrera Hernández
- Re: U, V, W vs FP - link on CCP14 page Joerg Bergmann
- Looking for some programs Alpiste
- <none> X. Bokhimi
- UnitCell for Windows Simon Redfern
- Removal from the Rietveld list of anyone mailing off-topic Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble
- High temp PXRD MARTIN VICKERS TEL: 0171 631 6813
- Thanks to Alan R. A. Young
- Updated WinGX Single Crystal Suite - Re: Fourier Viewing L. Cranswick
- Round Robin on SDPD still open Armel Le Bail
- data correction with internal standard Stefan Kaskel
- scatter slit and ADS Gustavo Cifredo Chacon
- News about BGMN Rietveld program Joerg Bergmann
- disorder Miguel A. Salvadó
- LaB6 and Si Standards Laurance Beauvais
- SDPD Round Robin - Last announce Armel Le Bail
- Fundamental Parameter Approach versus Empirical Armel Le Bail
- Re: Workshop Announcement Fundamental Parameter Approach / EPDIC6 Paolo G. Radaelli
- Re: Workshop Announcement Fundamental Parameter Approach / R. A. Young
- correction PPC@sauron.quimica.uniovi.es
- CPD round robin: query? Quirina Roode
- SDPDRR - post-deadline Armel Le Bail
- structure solution Selcuk Kervan
- DRXWin & CreaFit 2.0 Vicent Primo Martín
- Re: Si lattice parameter as a function of temperature (fwd) Brigitte Koppelhuber-Bitschnau
- RIET: CCP14 based Crystallographic Nexus Virtual Internet Lachlan Cranswick
- RIET: New CCP14 domain at www.ccp14.ac.uk Lachlan Cranswick
- Si standard Jaap Vente
- RIET: CCP14: FARHAN - Qualitative/Quantitive Powder XRD Lachlan Cranswick
- Questions about ORTEX version 7 JHZHU
- PbOSO4 structure Diffract@aol.com
- RCPT: Re: PbOSO4 structure Quirina Roode
- micro-absorption? Charles Witham
- Re: GSAS Parameter file Rory M Wilson
- Refinement problem Watcharaporn Keankeo
- Anhydrite profile calculation Thomas Dyer
- DBWS input for Co Sue Kesson
- Re: RIET USER: Valence (using I.D. Brown - Altermatt data) for DOS available on Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble
- Re: Workshop Announcement Fundamental Parameter Approach / EPDIC6 Davor Balzar
- Combining Rietveld with other methods - plus articles of interest L. Cranswick
- Re: GSAS graphics output David Bish
- Re: Source for finding the industrial ap Grondin Dany
- mixing samples with oil/grease to make them moisture-proof? Tao
- GPLSFTA GSAS Peak Picker Roger Michael Sullivan
- Re: GPLSFTA GSAS Peak Picker Brian H. Toby
- Inel again Charles Witham
- Re: RIET USER: Valence (using I.D. Brown - Altermatt data) for DOS Wataru SUGIMOTO
- ushkovite Thomas Dyer
- Stress Jack Badenhorst
- Fw: Stress Jack Badenhorst
- Re: GSAS file format Apurva
- xfit/koalariet Barwood, Henry
- RCPT: ushkovite Dana Griffen
- Bayesian Methods in Powder Diffraction wifd@isise.rl.ac.uk
- QXRD-cement phases Quirina Roode
- QXRD--cement Quirina Roode
- RIET: No 20: IUCr Commission on Powder Diffraction Newsletter L. Cranswick
- Trouble with FULLPROF Bruce A. Weir
- Re: PowderCell and O2- Brett Hunter
- Xfit diffractometer parameters Barwood, Henry
- RIET: CCP14 - CRYS Powder Indexing Suite for DOS/Windows L. Cranswick
- Re: Magnetic refinements in GSAS Paolo G. Radaelli
- Re: Magnetic refinements in GSAS John Henry J.Scott
- *** OOPPSSS ** Paolo G. Radaelli
- RIET: CCP14: U.D.Altermatt and I.D.Brown GETSPEC Spacegroup source code now available. L. Cranswick
- Re: Magnetic refinements in GSAS John Henry J.Scott
- silicon Res.As. Selcuk Kevran
- RIET: Interfacing Powder Diffraction Intensity Extraction with Lachlan Cranswick
- I.D. Brown's GETSPEC available at CCP14 site L. Cranswick
- X-Fit and SPVII, FWHM? Michael Tovar
- Re: X-Fit and SPVII, FWHM? Sue Kesson
- Question Piotr Biczyk
- Riet: Solving on Powder Data Using WinGX Tutorial/Run Through L. Cranswick
- The CMPR program for Windows and UNIX Brian H. Toby
- crystal size & strain.... Young Sang, Na
- Quantitative analysis of Iron sulfides Hilde F. Passier
- published list Quirina Roode
- introduction Pierre-Nicolas Schwab
- koalariet --- crystalite shape jcj@topsoe.dk
- Opening *.dat file in Fullprof Barwood, Henry
- calcium chlorate Thomas Dyer
- OTOKO Zhu Jianghai
- THMA program Giuseppe Cruciani
- RIET: CCP14: Installing Free GNU based C and Fortran Compilers on PC-DOS-Windows L. Cranswick
- Inel detector on a STOE diffractometer Ron Peterson
- FULLPROF documentation Barwood, Henry
- Instrument parameter file of GSAS Zhu Jianghai
- RIET: CCP14: CRYS Powder Indexing suite bugfix update now Available. L. Cranswick
- "Normal" method in GSAS Zhu Jianghai
- Archiving the Rietveld Mailing List Armel Le Bail
Last message date: Sun Oct 18 1998 - 10:19:38
Archived on: Wed, 02 Dec 1998 - 14:19:05
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