At 10:28 PM 3/24/98 +0000, L. Cranswick wrote:
>Hi All,
>Does anyone out there know of any tricks to convert GSAS
>DOS based RAW data files into a VMS friendly format for
>an old version of GSAS?
I have a number of codes that write the VMS format when running on VMS. If
you want to create the files on some other platform and move the files to
VMS later, you need to create an 80 column format and use the GSAS file
converter utility to get the proper record structure.
Let me know if you want some code fragments.
--Larry W. Finger finger@gl.ciw.eduGeophysical Laboratory Phone: +1 (202) 686-2410 X 24645251 Broad Branch Road N.W. FAX: +1 (202) 686-2419Washington, DC 20015-1305, USA