I've used these for a number of yrs. If you connect them with short lengths
of pipe cleaner, you can flex them anyway you like.
>From: "Gary" <gaynorx@uslink.net>
>Subject: Polyhedral Models
>Date: 17 Dec 97 07:08:02 +0000
>Re: The sale of Polyhedral Models
>Dear Colleagues,
>For the past 22 years I have produced Polyhedral Models, as a
>profitable hobby, for universities and upper-level research
>institutions the world over. It has been fun as well as rewarding.
>However, due to the pressures of other endeavors, the time has come to
>pass it along to someone else -- like it was to me -- with new energies,
>new ideas and a keen interest in mineralogy and/or crystallography.
>The purpose of this letter is to enlist your help -- to find someone
>(researcher, student, curator, etc.) to carry on. To the best of my
>knowledge Polyhedral Models is the only source of "coordination
>polyhedra" and models constructed from them, in the world; and, as
>such, is very important to the scientific community, albeit a narrow
>Since the purpose of the sale is to find someone to carry on the assets of
>Polyhedral Models are very modestly priced and with terms that are as
>flexible as need be. Assets include: machined molds and mold base for
>producing tetrahedra and octahedra (run at most any plastics job-shop);
>raw plastic and plastic parts in inventory; prototype models; and all
>accessories. Assistance will be available for as long as need be.
>If you, or someone you may know of, is interested, I can be contacted
>buy e-mail fax or letter to discuss details.
>fax: 218-326-0879
>Address: G.R. Gaynor, Inc., P.O. Box 433, Grand Rapids, MN 55744
>e-mail: gaynor@uslink.net
>Best regards,
D.M.Moore, Senior Clay Mineralogist Ph (217)244-2529
Illinois State Geological Survey Home Ph 328-7507
615 E. Peabody Dr FAX
Champaign, IL 61820