In reply to this message that just came through:
A bit of a repeat from the crystallography newsgroup:
As more "promising" methods are presently not out of the
dolmans, does anyone know of physical modelling kits
consisting of polyhedra (specifically silicate tetrahedra)
with attachable, flexible hinges on the corners that can
be used for modelling work? (Useful for looking at how the
tetrahedra/polyhedra interlink and can move)
Ball and stick molecular modeling kits abound around the
place but not polyhedral modeling kits? Would like to
hear otherwise before approaching the local workshop.
I don't have an answer to your question, but I picked up on the
bit "looking at how the tetrahedra/polyhedra ... can move". This
is a non-trivial issue that our research group has been looking
at theoretically for a few years. Take a look at our specific
web page for what we are doing, and (picking up on some of the
recent email comments) free software!
This work encompasses "standard" materials that contain polyhedra
(e.g. quartz, perovskites), as well as zeolites and now glasses.