Groeten, regards. Jan van Mechelen
Shell International Chemicals B.V., Amsterdam. (CTANL-2)
Badhuisweg 3, 1031 CM Amsterdam / PO Box 38000, 1030 BN Amsterdam
Tel.:+31 20630 2196; Fax: +31 20630 2911;
>Reply To: RIETVELD_L Distribution List
>Sent: 1998-03-05 9:35 PM
>Subject: Single peak fitting in GSAS
>For those that may be interested, I have modified "RAWPLOT" to allow
>fitting of up to 30 single peaks in a powder pattern using the GSAS profile
>functions. This facility works for CW x-ray, CW neutron, TOF neutron &
>X-ray EDS data. Ka1-Ka2 doublets are also fitted, but make sure the
>instrument parameter file includes KRATIO. The RAWPLOT.EXE file can be
>downloaded from the "DOS" subdirectory in the anonymous ftp site for GSAS
>( It is not yet part of GSASKIT.EXE. Please give it a
>try and let me know what you think (especially about bugs!)
>Bob Von Dreele