I just have tried to created a .CIF file from the refinement of the
structure that is submitted to be published. Following the Editor's request
for additional supply of a CIF file I went to GSAS Main Menu/Results and
after inputing some authors data, the program stopped and I got a note:
run.time error M1603:MATH
-floating-point error:divide by zero
What this means? Is it something wrong with my histograms (I was using two
set of RAW data for refinement, but they both worked well with GSAS)?
I would highly apprecitate if someone can give my some advice/suggestions.
Dr. Sr. Petrov/PXRD Analyses,
Dept. of Chemistry, U of T,
80 St.George Str., R.417
Toronto ON M5S 3H6, Canada
Tel/Fax: (416)-978-1389.
e-mail: spetrov@alchemy.chem.utoronto.ca