>>I know this is a rietveld group, but I need some help with stress
>>measurements. Is there someone that can help me I have just started in this
High resolution powder diffractometers are indeed used for measuring
internal stress in engineering components (welds, turbine blades, railway lines
etc) and profile analysis is used to determine the associated small shifts
in lattice dimensions. For more information, look at:
http://www.ill.fr/AR-96/pages/02mater.htm Also try the VAMAS site:
http://www.risoe.dk/vamas-twa-20 as well as a strain publications database:
You might address specific questions to our stress/strain expert, Thillo
Pirling <pirling@ill.fr>
Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble, FRANCE <hewat@ill.fr> tel (33)
ftp://ftp.ill.fr/pub/dif fax (33) http://www.ill.fr/dif/