RIET: CCP14 - CRYS Powder Indexing Suite for DOS/Windows

L. Cranswick ( L.M.D.Cranswick@dl.ac.uk )
Mon, 7 Sep 1998 03:44:03 +0100 (BST)

A quick work that Robin Shirley's CRYS Powder Indexing Suite for DOS/Windows
(linking/incorporating DICVOL, ITO and TREOR) is now available on the
CCP14 site:

Including a basic tutorial/run through:


Based on some of the talks and posters at ECM 98 and EPDIC 98,
hope to have some new powder indexing options in the future as well.
Powder Indexing was described as still being an existing bottle-neck
for structure solution from powder data.

Of the new algorithms described, Kenneth Harris's talk which
included work on Indexing by combining Le Bail extraction with
Genetic Algorithms sounded extremely interesting.


PS: Another integrated Powder Indexing system is PROSZKI for PC
by Wieslaw Lasocha available at ftp://trurl.ch.uj.edu.pl/PRG/PUB/

-- Lachlan M. D. CranswickCollaborative Computational Project No 14 (CCP14)    for Single Crystal and Powder DiffractionDaresbury Laboratory, Warrington, WA4 4AD U.KTel: +44-1925-603703  Fax: +44-1925-603124  E-mail: l.cranswick@dl.ac.uk  Ext: 3703  Room C14NEW CCP14 Web Domain (Under heavy construction):                           http://www.ccp14.ac.uk