Sample 1 - [Co(NH3)5CO3]NO3.H2O (guessing the shape
of structure fragments is possible)
Crystal system: monoclinic
Cell : a = 7.673A, b = 9.628 A, c = 7.077 A,
beta = 106.28°
Space groups : P21/m or P21
Sample 2 - C22H24N2O8.HCl (the molecular formula can
be found easily)
Crystal system: orthorhombic
Cell : a = 10.981 A, b = 12.853 A, c = 15.733 A,
Space group : P212121
Powder data (synchrotron and conventional X-rays) are available
at :
As soon as 1st July, the organizer's results for
the 2 samples will be made available on this
Web site. Of course they should not be
considered as the "best" results. They will help
you to wait for the Round Robin conclusions (if
any). Participants will receive a .cif file
containing the SHELX output of a refinement on
sample 2 single crystal data (from a 20x20x10
microns microcrystal selected in the SDPDRR
powder sample, two weeks ago).
Best wishes,
Armel Le Bail (E-mail:
Lachlan Cranswick (E-mail: