Re: GSAS2Cif-file
Bob Von Dreele ( )
Thu, 02 Apr 1998 08:41:24 -0700
At 03:57 PM 3/31/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi, everybody,
>I just have tried to created a .CIF file from the refinement of the
>structure that is submitted to be published. Following the Editor's request
>for additional supply of a CIF file I went to GSAS Main Menu/Results and
>after inputing some authors data, the program stopped and I got a note:
> run.time error M1603:MATH
> -floating-point error:divide by zero
>What this means? Is it something wrong with my histograms (I was using two
>set of RAW data for refinement, but they both worked well with GSAS)?
>I would highly apprecitate if someone can give my some advice/suggestions.
Sorry folks, this is a known bug in gsas2cif. I havn't been able to work on
this part of gsas for quite a while so I'm afraid it has to be considered
as "broken" for a little while longer.
Thanks for your patience,
Bob Von Dreele