wifd@isise.rl.ac.uk (Bill David) wrote 28 Jan 1998:
"...reasons that should be obvious - fitting to the extracted intensities (with
the associated covariance matrix) is mathematically equivalent to fitting to
the pattern."
This implies that you don't even need to do the Rietveld refinement (which I
suppose Bill did not mean to imply :-) Extracting intensities is just convenient
and fast, not equivalent nor essential in this case.
As Armel says: "determine the structure whatever the method ... then use
the Rietveld method for the final refinement".
Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble, FRANCE <hewat@ill.fr> tel (33)
ftp://ftp.ill.fr/pub/dif fax (33) http://www.ill.fr/dif/