Re: FULLPROF documentation
Ademir Antonio Guarnieri ( )
Thu, 15 Oct 1998 08:58:22 -0200
At 09:19 AM 10/14/98 -0500, you wrote:
>I'm trying to run some minerals using FULLPROF, but the example file
>(*.pcr) that I have is very confusing. The documentation lists many more
>settings than are present in the *.pcr file I have. The first 4-5 lines
>are fairly straight forward and are mostly switch settings for the
>program. The codes for refined parameters, microabsorption, background,
>etc. are not at all clear, nor is how I enter the atoms. Is there a more
>easily understood explanation of how to set up a *.pcr file (or indeed,
>any control input file for similar Rietveld programs)? I could use any
>help available. Thanks.
>Henry Barwood
>Indiana Geological Survey
Dear Dr. Barwood,
Perhaps, I can help you. Please send me your *.pcr and data example file.
I have FullProf98 which is working very well.
Ademir A. Guarnieri
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Belo Horizonte