Diffract ( Diffract@aol.com )
Mon, 25 May 1998 23:42:53 EDT
The phase ratio of the polymorphs of lead mono-oxide, tetragonal litharge and
orthorhombic massicot, plays an important role in the design of lead-based
batteries. Structural data for massicot obtained by neutron diffraction have
been refined R.J. Hill (Acta Cryst. C41, 1281, 1985). For the litharge
structure, I can only find a reference dated back in 1961 (J. Leciejewicz, in
Acta Cryst, 14, 1304, 1961 - described as 'relatively low precision' by Hill)
- does anybody know of a more recent litharge structure refinement?
Ludwig Keller
CAMET Research, Inc.
Goleta, CA