A hopefully correct summary:
Registered participants are now being sent the samples they
requested via airmail. Depending on the kindness of the
Australian Customs to let in the two Pharmaceutical samples
for inclusion, people who requested this will receive their
packages later - hopefully - maybe(?).
Standard Powder XRD Data Sets now available for analysis via
the web (a file with crystal structures is also available on the
web site).
Just a quickish(?) word that the
IUCr CPD Round Robin on Quantitative Phase Analysis Webpage
has been updated and is still at:
As some of the registered users may have already received the powder
samples, it was mentioned that Standard data in different formats
would be located at the web-site (only one XRD data format would
fit on the floppy disk sent with the samples).
For people who did not request the Pharmaceutical samples; if
you have not received your package yet, it could be the many
vials of white powder are still be analysed by the sniffer dogs(?)
Many common formats are now catered for on the web site and (data
converters willing - and able), more should be added soon (hopefully
Siemens *.raw format at least).
Refer: Standard Powder X-ray Diffraction Data Sets - Data Analysis Kit
Please keep in touch if the web-site can be made better or clearer.
If you would like to see other XRD data formats, volunteers
(or information on where data interconverters are located) would
be appreciated.
The files are zipped up as well as in individual files. If you would
like to see other archive formats (tar.Z ?), please contact me - and
software willing, this can be done (in the fullness of time, etc :-) )
For fans of the ASCII format (line feed, carriage return, etc), I am
still rather confused about various PC ASCII formats that web-browsers
will happily view, though the ones uploaded should work with the various
viewers and Rietveld software. Attempts to sort this out will be
made after required amount of caffeine and sugar have been consumed.
Please note that you can still be a participant, even if you
don't have access to an XRD by analysing the standard
powder XRD data sets. They are also usable as educational datasets
for phase ID and quant analysis independent of the Round Robin.
People who have not registered and would like to receive powder
samples for analysis, please look at the web page and
determine which samples you would like to analyse. The
Round Robin has been quite popular and some of the samples
have already been exhausted.
---Lachlan M. D. CranswickCCP14 for Single Crystal and Powder DiffractionDaresbury Laboratory, Warrington, WA4 4AD U.KTel: +44-1925-603703 Fax: +44-1925-603173 Room C14E-mail: l.cranswick@dl.ac.uk
Commission on Powder Diffraction, Quantitative Phase Analysis Round Robin: http://www.dl.ac.uk/SRS/XRD/IUCR/QARR/