Re: editors??
Bob Von Dreele ( )
Fri, 09 Jan 1998 08:19:16 -0700
At 01:20 PM 1/9/98 GMT+2, you wrote:
>Hi Rietvelders,
> I've been here before, but lots can happen in a year or
>faces. So, let me introduce myself: My name is Quirina Roode and I am
>currently doing my PhD in cement chemistry, the objective being to
>establish quantitative relationships between the microstructure and
>phase chemistry of the cement--through a hydration chemistry model--
>to the engineering properties of a cement-based material.
> I am actually a chemist, not a civil engineer, and my MSc was in
>crystallography under the supervision of the famous Prof. Jan Boeyens
>and Dr. Johan de Villiers.
> At present I am doing work in phase quantitation of cement phases
>using the Rietveld method.
> invite some discussion on a problem that I am having.
>Anybody that can give me any advise is much appreciated. I have been
>an ardent user of the SIROQUANT software and when it first came out
>it was a really simple matter to add another mineral to the data file
>"quant.dat" because the file was small and I used the dos editor or
>Notepad in Windows successfully. Now the file "quant.dat" is enormous
>and these latter editors cannot cope with the file size. All other
>common editors seem to change the format of the file ever so slightly
>so that SIROQUANT does not like it. Any suggestions for good editing
Try "pfe". It's "freeware" from Runs in Windows
and can open any size file. I use for looking at GSAS .lst files & other
Bob Von Dreele