The latest "DRAFT" web edition of the latest IUCr CPD
newsletter is visible at:
This has a number of articles that may be of interest including:
Norman Binsted, Maria Pack, Mark Weller, and John Evans, "The
Southampton Combined EXAFS and Powder Diffraction (Rietveld)
Program". Applying the power of Rietveld and other techniques
does not seem as wide spread as it should be?
Articles by Coelho, Cheary and Kern Arnt-Andreas - and
Jeorg Bergmann Peter Friedel & Reinhard Kleeberg about
fundamental prameters.
Update on the Rietan software which includes information
on MEM-based visualization and fitting of diffraction patterns
Updates/articles by their respective authors on Fullprof/WinPlotR,
XND, LHPM-Rietica, Powder Cell, AXES, Beartex.
Jim Kaduk discusses solving structures from powder data;
Kenneth Harris Roy Johnston and Benson Kariuki, talk
about genetic algorithms for solving crystal structures
from powder data.
There are accounts of the "Workshop on Using Powder Data to
Solve Crystal Structures, May 18th, 1998, Brookhaven National
Laboratory" and "3rd Canadian Powder Diffraction Workshop"
Armel LeBail reviews "50 Years of Structure Determination from Powder
Diffraction - Some Statistics" and Matteo Leoni and J. Ian Langford
discuss, "Line Profile Analysis and the Rietveld Method: crossing paths?"
Gordon Cressey & Meryl Batchelder mention discuss their method
for negating (and even using to effect) "Dealing with Absorption
and Microabsorption in Quantitative Phase Analysis"
Brian Toby talks about Using Tcl/Tl and Steffen Weber on using
Java for Crystallography.
Like in breakfast cerial, there are also two bonus articles,
one reviewing the powers of MEMETIC ALGORITHMS and
another on EVOLVING ALGORITHSM where the author speculates
that "Maybe the world's leading powder crystallographer in 30
years is an algorithm generated through simulated evolution on
a parallel computer with ten million Merced-9 CPUs?"
Plus other articles of interest - but the plane awaits.
(Not sure how many programmers/crystallographers will stand up
and make the brave statement given the coming powders of computing
at ECM and/or EPDIC that "I am not an algorithm")
Please take note of the Philips and Siefert links in all of
the web pages - as without the support of advertisers the
CPD newsletter would not be possible.
This issue will be mirrored on IUCr sites as part of the
commissions page when considered appropriate - which will
make access faster for most people)
I will be out of email range until the 27th August - complaints
will be unread until then.
PS: Authors will receive their courtesy copies after I get
back - sorry about this. A requirement of posting via proxy
here is that I have to supply printed labels - and don't feel
like killing a box of labels in the network printer room trying -
even if I could work out the commands to do this.
-- Lachlan M. D. CranswickCollaborative Computational Project No 14 (CCP14) for Single Crystal and Powder DiffractionDaresbury Laboratory, Warrington, WA4 4AD U.KTel: +44-1925-603703 Fax: +44-1925-603124 E-mail: Ext: 3703 Room C14NEW CCP14 Web Domain (Under heavy construction):