General user beamtime is available on the new dedicated powder
diffractometer at SSRL beamline 2-1.
The diffractometer is designed around two large concentric Huber
goniometers. The 2-theta circle accommodates two detector systems. Either
detector can cover a full range of scattering angles (0 to 150 2theta), or
the detectors can be used simultaneously to speed data collection. One
detector is based on a perfect crystal analyzer (usually Si111). The second
detector arm accommodates either a 1 mrad Soller slit, an energy-resolving
Ge or diode detector, or a linear position sensitive detector. With the
appropriate choice of detector and the monochromator a powder diffraction
pattern can be collected with ultrahigh to medium angular resolution on flat
plate or capillary samples from 2 to 1500K.
more information can be obtained from:
or from SSRL pages at
Apurva Mehta
PO Box 4349, MS 69
Stanford, CA 94309
(650) 926 4791
(650) 926 4100 - FAX