Card Information
Names: Magnesium Iron Phosphate Hydroxide Hydrate
Formula: Mg Fe2 ( P O4 )2 ( O H )2 !8 H2 O
PDF Number: 35-685
Quality: indexed
Subfiles: inorganic mineral COR
Cell and Symmetry Information
System: triclinic Space Group: P-1 (no. 2)
a: 5.196 b: 10.70 c: 7.14
a: 108.6 b: 106.95 g: 72.70
Density (Dm): 2.380 Density (Dx): 2.400 Z: 1
Instrument Information
Radiation: CoKa1 Wavelength: 1.7889
Instrument(d): diffractometer
Instrument(I): diffractometer I type: unknown
Comments and Additional Information
Colour: Light yellow, orange-yellow, light brown
Source: Specimen from Ilmen Mountains, Urals, USSR.
Optical: A=1.584(2), B=1.637(2), Q=1.670(2), Sign=-, 2V=50 degrees
Analysis: Chemical analysis (wt.%): MgO 8.79, MnO 1.88, CaO 2.54, Fe2 O3
29.87, P2 O5 30.47, H2 O@- 12.28, H2 O@+ 14.83.
Literature References
General: Chesnokov, B. et al. Zap. Vses. Mineral. O-va 112 42 (1983)
-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Dyer <>
To: <>
Date: 26 August 1998 10:27
Subject: ushkovite
>Dear All,
>Does anyone know of the existence of structural data for Ushkovite
>[ Mg Fe2 (PO4)2 (OH)2 !8H2O ..... ICDD card no. 35-685 ] - it
>is not on the ICSD and a literature search has (so far) been
>Thanks in advance,
>Tom Dyer