A Post Doctoral Research Assistantship at the
The ISIS Facility at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory is the world’'s most
powerful pulsed neutron source and is used by researchers from the UK and abroad for investigations in a diverse range of scientific disciplines: solid
state physics, chemistry, biology and materials science.
The Laboratory has a vacancy for a post-doctoral research assistant to work
with Professor Bill David and Dr Devinder Sivia on a 2-year Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) funded project on enhanced
information recovery in analytical chemistry with particular emphasis on
Bayesian Methods in powder diffraction. The position will entail the
development of Bayesian algorithms and user-friendly software, that will
focus on structure solution from powder diffraction data. The project also
seeks to emphasise the generic aspects of Bayesian analysis to a broad range
of analytical chemistry techniques.
Candidates should have a strong background in applied mathematics and
scientific computing; additional expertise in the fundamentals of data
analysis, crystallography or analytical chemistry would be an advantage. Further information may be obtained from Prof. W I F David, +44 1235 445179
(e.mail Bill.David@rl.ac.uk)
The post is for a fixed term period of 2 years. The salary range is between
£15180 & £24820 (1998 pay award pending). A non-contributory pension scheme,
flexible working hours and a generous leave allowance are also offered.
Application forms can be obtained from: Recruitment Office, Personnel
Division, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11
0QX. Telephone (01235) 445435 (answerphone) quoting reference 1456R/98.
More information about CLRC and ISIS is available on their WWW pages at
http://www.cclrc.ac.uk and http://www.isis.rl.ac.uk/
All applications must be returned by 24 September 1998.
The CCLRC is committed to Equal Opportunities and to achieving the Investors
In People standard. A no smoking policy is in operation.