>1. Leave it alone (quite a popular option)
>2. "Move" the mailing list to the IUCr site (when
> the IUCr is ready for such things) where we
> would obtain automatic archiving and possible
> future newsgroup access.
To follow Srebri's statement, I prefer No. 1 , too.
I do not see the real advantage of e.g. automatic archiving, because with
that you will probably put everything to an archive, that I do not expect
to be very useful given today's mailing practice (i.e. add two lines of
comment somewhere in the replied mail and leave the rest unchanged; ok. we
are lucky and do not have these problems too often). I hesitate to use a
whole lot of disk space just for ">"-characters !
It would be better to have mails of a certain topic archived by an
intelligent (human) being and put them on the Rietveld-Homepage or
somewhere else - I know this means more work for someone within the group.
Newsgroup access would be a clear advantage, at least for people looking
for experts on this Rietveld technique and not being aware of someone who
is member of the list.
As stated in earlier mails on the subject, it is not easy/fair to change
the list to exclusive newsgroup access, because this will exclude several
members. Thus a gateway would be inevitable.
Given all this, there's one thing left to say: I like to have you in my
CU & read you there !
Greetings from Bordeaux
Carsten Schinzer ---------------------------------------
Institut de Chimie de la Matiere Condensee de Bordeaux
87, Avenue du Docteur A. Schweitzer
F-33608 PESSAC
fon +33 556 84 2650 (poste 7397) fax +33 556 84 2640