> -----Original Message-----
> From: Larry W. Finger [SMTP:finger@gl.ciw.edu]
> Sent: Thursday, August 20, 1998 8:36 AM
> To: RIETVELD_L Distribution List
> Subject: Re: GPLSFTA GSAS Peak Picker
> At 11:28 AM 8/18/98 -0400, you wrote:
> > Does anyone know of a peak picking software acronymed GPLSFTA
> which can
> >accept files in GSAS format? If so is it share ware or a commercial
> product?
> > Is it downloadable over the web?
> The Windows 9X and NT version of this program is available through my
> web
> page at http://www.gl.ciw.edu/~finger/ where there is a link to a
> Zipped
> archive consisting of the executable, the Fortran source code, a
> revised
> terminal driver for PGPLOT, the PGPLOT font file, and an installation
> Please advise me of any problems in implementing this program.
> Larry
> --
> Larry W. Finger finger@gl.ciw.edu
> Geophysical Laboratory Phone: +1 (202) 686-2410 X 2464
> 5251 Broad Branch Road N.W. FAX: +1 (202) 686-2419
> Washington, DC 20015-1305, USA
> http://www.gl.ciw.edu/~finger/ <---------------- Note NEW URL
> http://btgix8.bgi.uni-bayreuth.de/~lafi