rietveld_l-1997 by thread
Starting: Thu Jan 02 1997 - 01:03:37
Ending: Mon Dec 22 1997 - 12:23:37
Messages: 312
- ICSD Siderotil Helge Stanjek
- New PC-GSAS release VONDREELE@mist.lansce.lanl.gov
- Re: Seeking help with an instrument problem of a Siemens D50 FLMAY@ccmail.monsanto.com
- Re: Seeking help with an instrument problem of a Siemens D5000 x-ray powder Arnt Kern
- Information Carlos Vazquez Vazquez
- <none> VONDREELE@mist.lansce.lanl.gov
- ACA / St. Louis kaduk@amoco.com
- Reminder: How (not) to use the Rietveld mailing list Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble
- Unknowns Armel Le Bail
- Using GSAS Fourier Viewer with Other Programs? Lachlan Cranswick
- response to L.Keller's question r.young@physics.gatech.edu
- ICDD and copyrighted data Mark Raven
- Re: response to L.Keller's question (about copyright data) Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble
- Quantitative describtion of aggregate surfaces using Rietveld refinement KJO Kristian Johnsen RDA
- Riet Users: XRD Related Database costs? Lachlan Cranswick
- Problem fixed with ICSD for WWW (was L.Keller's question) Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble
- VCT discussion Carsten Schinzer
- Is powplot module of GSAS compatible with x-Windows? East Express
- Conference in Zurich? Carsten Schinzer
- Conference in Zurich Stefan Ebbinghaus
- crystal structure needed KJO Kristian Johnsen RDA
- Another PC-GSAS release VONDREELE@mist.lansce.lanl.gov
- Rietveld Relatives and Explanations for the non-diffractionist? Lachlan Cranswick
- Claudette Hugo Rietveld
- Mono sulphate KJO Kristian Johnsen RDA
- Re: Studsvik Armel Le Bail
- Re: Studsvik Armel Le Bail
- Re: Studsvik East Express
- Crystallography UseNet news postings on www.ill.fr/dif/news Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble
- RIETAN Helge Stanjek
- Re: Studsvik Armel Le Bail
- IUCr, CPD Quantitative Phase Analysis Round Robin - Call for Lachlan Cranswick
- introduction and a question (instrument file) STEPHAN JANSEN
- SDPD tutorial Armel Le Bail
- GSAS instrument parameter file Brian H. Toby
- Hydration of cement KJO Kristian Johnsen RDA
- Theta-Alumina MEDRUD, RONALD C. -RCME
- GIXD & GIXR software Dr W. Mista
- Nonstandard space groups with Rietan Dana Griffen
- New AXES release Hugo Ma'ndar
- <none> Kang Jin Koo
- INEL 120 PSD & flat plate geometry ... Rory M Wilson
- d5000 enquiry John Evans
- Axial divergence & asymmetric scanning in GSAS Apurva
- Subscription to s.t.xtal_l and Rietveld_l Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble
- Re: Gamma Function Brian H. Toby
- Refinement of ISIS - Data Volker Kahlenberg
- Comparing RMC and Rietveld methods for glass modelling Armel Le Bail
- LP correction for Bragg Brentano in transmission mode Matthias Gottschalk
- Code for POV and VRML crystal structure views, MAC Version now Larry W. Finger
- Code for POV and VRML crystal structure views, MAC Version now Larry W. Finger
- Re: Code for POV and VRML crystal structure views, MAC Version now available. VONDREELE@mist.lansce.lanl.gov
- Re: Code for POV and VRML crystal structure views, MAC Version Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble
- Patterns from GSAS Miguel A. Salvadó
- RIET USERS: Summary of Incommensurate/Modulated Structure Lachlan Cranswick
- 2nd Announcement and Call for Expressions of Interest Round Lachlan Cranswick
- Re: 2nd Announcement and Call for Expressions of Interest Lachlan Cranswick
- Re: 2nd Announcement and Call for Expressions of Interest Round Robin on Quantitative Phase Analysis =?iso-8859-1?B?w9bB+Ln8?=
- Plots from GSAS Srebri Petrov
- Tutorial for Powder Diffraction Armel Le Bail
- Plots form GSAS r.young@physics.gatech.edu
- ASCII Data Conversion Tom Richardson
- Future of DBWS Diffract@aol.com
- (Rietveld Calc Data) vs (ICDD Ref Data lacking trace peaks) Lachlan Cranswick
- question Nita DRAGOE
- Warning about misuse of Rietveld list ! Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble
- Deconvolutions Manuel J. Roman Alpiste
- Round Robin on QPA Srebri Petrov
- A question on using GSAS Singular Shell
- A question on using GSAS Singular Shell
- (Rietveld Calc Data) vs (ICDD Ref Data lacking trace peaks) Lab. Rayos X
- Magnetite 331 peak Diffract@aol.com
- GSAS powder data file with uneven step sizes Jens Wenzel Andreasen
- 2nd Summary of Programs for Powder Data that can refine Lachlan Cranswick
- Re: WELCOME to the Rietveld Mailing List Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble
- GSAS, IPOLA, polarization type Jens Wenzel Andreasen
- GSAS parameters Sang-Heon Shim
- GSAS Sang-Heon Shim
- <none> Ulrich Koops
- Re: Determination of valence states in LixMn2O4 Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble
- Powder Diffraction CIF dictionary Howard Flack
- Programming problems Manuel J. Roman Alpiste
- Re: IR Spectra Stan Whittingham
- Re: IR Spectra Carsten Schinzer
- Re: IR Spectra martin@minp.esc.cam.ac.uk
- MILLING-SIEVING SYSTEM Gustavo A. Cifredo Chacón
- Rh/CeO2 catalyst Gustavo A. Cifredo Chacón
- Rietveld with Scintag XDS2000 Dana Griffen
- Rietveld & NIST SRMs Jim Cline
- RIR Helge Stanjek
- Rietveld refinements with Scintag XDS2000 Dana Griffen
- GSAS Postscript to X-Y Coordinate data converter Tadashi Ozawa
- Re: RIR - periclase as standard Lachlan Cranswick
- standards Nita DRAGOE
- Re: RIR - periclase as standard Helge Stanjek
- Problem with profile function in GSAS Jens Wenzel Andreasen
- STX and RIET USERS: NOBUGS 1997 workshop -- advance notice Lachlan Cranswick
- RIET USERS: Alternative DPLOT Downloading Lachlan Cranswick
- RIET USERS: Query on Validity of Rietveld Bragg R Lachlan Cranswick
- STX & RIET USERS: NeXus - A Common Data Format for Neutrons Lachlan Cranswick
- <none> Ram SESHADRI
- GSAS functions Sang-Heon Shim
- RE: Bragg R GREGOR@unisi.it
- Batch jobs with PC-GSAS Jens Wenzel Andreasen
- Re: GSAS constraints Brian H. Toby
- <none> Ram SESHADRI
- Standards, Rietveld Bragg R and background Armel Le Bail
- Re: Standards etc Ian Madsen
- <none> Ram SESHADRI
- Re: Standards etc (no name)
- RE: Rietveld Bragg R and background Jens Trommer
- R's and background r.young@physics.gatech.edu
- Inputing data into GSAS Bruce A. Weir
- GSAS Format Hugues Libotte
- Jaws, claws and stings containing 25% Zinc by dry mass Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble
- AW: Jaws, claws and stings containing 25% Zinc by dry mass Koehler Thomas
- Input records in GSAS B.A. Weir
- Reflection input file on DIRDIF B.A. Weir
- gsas question Ron Peterson
- gsas question Ram SESHADRI
- simultaneous refinement of different temp data sets with gsas Ron Peterson
- RIET: Refining on R-Bragg rather than R-Wp??? Lachlan Cranswick
- Why do we need another method ? Armel Le Bail
- Access to Newsgroups via WWW Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble
- RIET USERS: Fullprof - LeBail Extraction and JLKH=0 ??? Lachlan Cranswick
- Question: particle size and microstrain H M Park
- another version of Convert Nita DRAGOE
- particle size and ... X. Bokhimi
- <none> beth fancio
- AW: <none> Koehler Thomas
- prefered orientation Lab. Rayos X
- New X-Ray diffraction software (no name)
- Peltier-cooled solid state detector Armel Le Bail
- XPowder 1.0 internet page now available in english (no name)
- RIET USERS: Background modelling Lachlan Cranswick
- Lead Nitrate Rory M Wilson
- lead nitrate Rory M Wilson
- Lead nitrate Manuel Roca Vicent
- strange question Nita DRAGOE
- Absorption correction neutrons / x-rays Carsten Schinzer
- RE: absorption correction for neutrons Jean Marc JOUBERT
- RE: absorption correction for neutrons Carsten Schinzer
- Re: Absorption correction neutrons Jean Marc JOUBERT
- RE: absorption correction for neutrons; ooops ! Carsten Schinzer
- GSAS hkl output Sang-Heon Shim
- size in FULLPROF Gustavo A. Cifredo
- Axial divergence vkahlen@zfn.uni-bremen.de
- Axial divergence -Reply Robert Broach
- New features on XPowder 1.0 Manuel J. Roman Alpiste
- Transformations Gustavo A. Cifredo
- Scintag X1 Julia Chan
- Inst_xry.prm Natale Perchiazzi
- Inst_xry.prm Natale Perchiazzi
- inst_xry.prm Natale Perchiazzi
- Distribution of cell edge lengths Helge Stanjek
- Philips PW1800 Geometry for Koalariet Rietveld? Lachlan Cranswick
- AXES 1.8 (new version) Hugo Ma'ndar
- List, technical Carsten Schinzer
- Searching for bad powder diffraction data Armel Le Bail
- Reducing unwanted email from the Rietveld_l list Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble
- <none> Ram SESHADRI
- GSAS plots Jaap Vente
- INEL + GSAS Jaap Vente
- V.Trunov's email OSCAR AU-ALVAREZ
- Riet List: Ooppss: Apologies Lachlan Cranswick
- Demo version of BGMN Rietveld program available Thomas Taut
- TCH profile function Helge Stanjek
- Quantitative Rietveld analysis KJO Kristian Johnsen RDA
- Bug in Fullprof 3.3 (97/11/14) Armel Le Bail
- Problems with diffractometer Manuel_J=2E_Rom=E1n_Alpiste
- Search in Database OSCAR AU-ALVAREZ
- GSAS Sven Ohmann
- Rietveld quantification again KJO Kristian Johnsen RDA
Last message date: Mon Dec 22 1997 - 12:23:37
Archived on: Wed, 02 Dec 1998 - 14:18:00
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