>Martin Kroeker (Darmstadt) and I have a C program that....
>prepares POV source code for better publication quality than one can get
>from VRML..... we WILL release source code.
There are indeed many structure drawing programs, but VRML is
something else. It can be visualised on almost any kind of computer
it allows 3D rotation/zooming etc in 'real time', AND it is the 3D
standard for the WWW. GSAS is the latest of many crystallographic
programs to adopt VRML, which is a Good Thing.
As for source code, if GSAS code were released there would be many
versions, which would make it impossible to maintain. Anyone can read
the VRML code itself to understand how to do it.
Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble, FRANCE fax (33) hewat@ill.fr
ftp://ftp.ill.fr/pub/dif http://www.ill.fr/dif/