I have a little problem! I am using the Rietveld method to quantify the
crystalline phases in hydrating cement, which is quite difficult.
Several problems exist, but right now the biggest problem is
monosulphate (Ca4Al2SO10*12H2O). Even though I have - what seems to be -
the right crystal structure, and the samples clearly contains
monosulphate the Rietveld calculations end up with 0 wt%.
Do anybody do research in the area, and if so, can you give any good
advise about how to solve this problem?
Thanks in advance
Kristian Johnsen
Research Geologist
F.L. Smidth & Co. A/S
Vigerslev All=E9
DK-2500 Valby
Tlf.: 3618243
Fax.: 38182647
E-mail: KJo@fls.dk