A new X-Ray Powder diffraction software is been developed. It's name is
XPowder 1.0. As soon as possible a beta version could be send to everyone
who can be interested.
XPowder can adquire from a lot of type of diffractometers, can read some
file formats as:
Philips Ascii UDF format
Siemems Raw Data
PLV files
MacDif format
It has a good interface for phase identification in mixtures, by general
mode, by elemets, by phase type (Inorganic, Mineral, organic, forensic,
cement, zeolite, etc..)
Makes profile fitting, and create instruction files for GSAS and DBWS. It
converts file formats for those programs.
XPowder makes quantitative analysis of phase mixtures, and Unit cell
It can analize size and strain.
For more information go to this page...
This program is being developed by researchers of the University of Granada
You can have more information without compromise by sending the form that
you can find in the last page.
Thanks a lot...
Manuel J. Roman Alpiste
Depto. Mineralogia y Petrologia
Facultad de Ciencias (Universidad de Granada)
Avda. Fuentenueva, S/N
18002 Granada (Spain)
e-mail: x2524001@fedro.ugr.es