d5000 enquiry

John Evans ( john@dohiris2.icl.ox.ac.uk )
Fri, 2 May 1997 11:40:20 +0100 (BST)

Dear All,

Are machine specific technical questions allowed?

If so, does anybody have any advice/experience of the following
D5000 problem?

On power up 7 times out of 10 the display on the pull out control
panel doesn't get past the first 2 status lines. 3 times out of
10 it appears to start up fine. However these times the PC can't
communicate with the d5000. Shift-Status gives a totally blank
screen. Shift-circle 1:1 isn't accepted (error beep). Commands
such as Shift-Xray 1 appear to work ok.

The spec is: d5000 theta-2theta reflection, scintillation
counter, rotating sample stage.

If anybody out there has any advice short of replacing the whole
control board it would be greatfully received.

Thanks in advance,

John Evans

Dr J.S.O. Evans, Inorganic Chemistry, South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3QR
Tel: (01865) 272662 (Direct line); 272600 (Switchboard)
Fax: (01865) 272690
email: john@dohiris2.icl.ox.ac.uk