Re: Transformations
Gustavo A. Cifredo ( )
Thu, 20 Nov 1997 09:46:41 +0100 (MET)
>> Do you know about a good program to deal with crystallographycal
>I do not know exactly, what you are looking for. Some months ago I made a
>first attempt to use a Basic program of Joerg Ihringer, Uni Tuebingen,
>Germany, that shows the translations in a given crystallographic cell by
>means of group theoretical restrictions, i.e. a certain translational mode
>is applied to all positions in the unit-cell and the symmetry elements,
>that will be broken when the mode "freezes", are indicated (at least, that
>is what he could show me, when I saw the software in 1995).
>Since Joerg Ihringer works on Atari and I am happy with my MAC, there are
>two problems I face at the moment: An Emulator for Atari on Mac that does
>all the Graphics of STBasic is hard to find; The Atari disk and file
>formats are hardly readable by modern floppy drives / OSes.
>Maybe this could be an answer to your question? Anyways - if there is
>someone who knows about an STBasic-Interpreter for the MAC, I would be
>happy if he/she could inform me.
>Greetings from rainy Bordeaux
>Carsten Schinzer ---------------------------------------
> Institut de Chimie de la Matiere Condensee de Bordeaux
> 87, Avenue du Docteur A. Schweitzer
> F-33608 PESSAC
> fon +33 556 84 2650 (poste 7397) fax +33 556 84 2640
Thank you for your reply and your time.
I do not use Atari software, but if I will not find anything useful
I would try to know the specifications of the program you are talking about.
Faithfully, Gustavo Cifredo