At 09:33 AM 1/6/97 +0100, wrote:
>Hi again,
>May I have the VRSTPLOT source code, Bob ?-) It is Christmas no ?
>I promise to try to make a standalone version with it, executable on PC
>(if the source is in FORTRAN). But may be the time of freely available
>source codes belongs more and more to the past.
Martin Kroeker (Darmstadt) and I have a C program that draws thermal
ellipsoids, bonds, polyhedra and unit-cell axes. As such, it does everything
that VRSTPLOT does except for magnetic vectors. In addition, it also
prepares POV source code for better publication quality than one can get
from VRML. There are versions running on PC's under DOS and LINUX, and on
numerous workstations. We have only a couple of minor features yet to be
added before general release; however, we WILL release source code. To see
examples of a VRML plot produced with this program and GIFs generated from
the POV output, see
Happy New Year to all.
--Larry W. Finger Larry.Finger@uni-bayreuth.deBayerisches Geoinstitut Phone: 0921-553737Universitaet Bayreuth FAX: 0921-553769D-95440 Bayreuth Web: