Re: RIET: Refining on R-Bragg rather than R-Wp???

Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble ( (no email) )
Thu, 11 Sep 1997 16:54:01 +0200

Lachlan Cranswick <> wrote 11 Sept 1997:

>Does anyone know the pros and cons of refining of Weighted R-Bragg
>instead of the Weighted Profile (R-Wp)?

Yeah, that's what people used to do before Hugo Rietveld invented
profile refinement. But if your resolution is so good that you can
actually MEASURE all the R-Braggs, why not :-) Otherwise the
extracted integrated intensities (R-Bragg) are biased by the calculated
structure factors, since the latter are used to obtain the former.

Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble, FRANCE <> tel (33) fax (33)