A while back I remember an in-house written DOS program to convert
an LHPM for UNIX "plt" file into a suitable column format that could
then be directly imported into graphing software.
In SigmaPlot 5 for DOS, you could create a
template file that imported the column data in display ready format -
observed, calculated, background, difference, hkls, and
names of phases as a neat legend.
With programs like DMPLOT and DRXWin, et al now around, there is not
so much urgency for this type of thing. But it can be nice when you
want to use the power of a commercial scientific graphing program for
publication purposes, making custom annotations, multiple patterns, etc.
Lachlan Cranswick - Melbourne, Australia _--_|\
Phone/Fax : (613) 9455-1345 / \
E-mail : lachlan@melbpc.org.au \_.--._/
Mobile Phone/Voice Mail : 0412-1141-31 v
Crystallographic WWW : http://www.unige.ch/crystal/stxnews/stx/volnteer.htm