Potentially silly queries.
Are there any newish references around the place about the
validity of R Bragg in Rietveld analysis.
---Also, when using capilliary data from such machines as anINEL PSD. You can get quite nice Bragg R's purely becuase20% to 80% of the intensity that is being fitted relates tothe background. Thus are there any background subtracted versions for Rietveld of Bragg R referenced in the literature?
Thanks in advance.
Lachlan Cranswick - Melbourne, Australia _--_|\ Phone/Fax : (613) 9455-1345 / \E-mail : lachlan@melbpc.org.au \_.--._/Mobile Phone/Voice Mail : 0412-1141-31 vCrystallographic WWW : http://www.unige.ch/crystal/stxnews/stx/volnteer.htm