Re: LP correction for Bragg Brentano in transmission mode

Dr. Joerg Bergmann ( (no email) )
Thu, 12 Jun 1997 14:46:28 +0200 (MDT)

> I do have a question concerning the polarisation factor for the STOE Stadi
> P diffractometer.
> This diffractometer uses Bragg-Brentano Geometrie, but instead of reflexion
> it is used in transmission.
> Has anybody some thoughts about this?
> Thanks in advance
> Matthias Gottschalk

I have implemented transmission geometry into my new Rietveld program BGMN.
Dr. Kleeberg from Freiberg ( --- phone
+49 3731 39 3244) succesfully uses this feature for more than a year.
I don't know any about the STOE StadiP diffractometer. Dr. Kleeberg uses
a thin sample between 2 mylar foils (thickness 200...300 um), which is
used in transmission (rotated for about 90 degree in omega axis ->
transmission) and which rotates around the specimen normale for better
grain statistics. For this geometry, I use the same LP factor as for
Bragg-Brentano in reflection (including correction for secondary graphite
monochromator) plus an angle-dependent factor for absorption in specimen.
The absorption in the flat specimen must be predetermined with a simple,
additional measurement.

Much more complicated is the "capillary" geometry. I have implemented it
by computing an intensity correction by two fold integration over
specimen coordinates. But there are some known problems: homogenity of
specimen (no problem for "wires", but problem for true "capillaries"),
absorption coefficient of specimen. Nobody has used my implementation of
capillary geometry, until now.

J"org Bergmann