Mail Thread Index - 2002
- [sdpd] STX:RIET: Bugfix
version of Chekcell powder indexing helper tool,
Lachlan Cranswick
- [sdpd] 2002 open for SDPD,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] RIET:CCP14: SAPI
and DIMS Direct Methods structure solution for normal,
superstructures, pseudosymmetry and incommensurate structures,
Lachlan Cranswick
- [sdpd] STX:RIET: IUCr
Computing Commission Open Meeting at the Geneva 2002 Congress -
Monday, 12th August 2002 : 12.30-14.30,
Lachlan Cranswick
- [sdpd] STX:RIET:CLAY: New
version of Chekcell powder indexing helper tool,
Lachlan Cranswick
- [sdpd] The teacher
- [sdpd] Lorentz
polarization factors,
Jean Le Bideau
- [sdpd],
Luca Mollica
- [sdpd] Re: Crysfire,
Windows NT and no *.sum output,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] SDPD on cover of
Acta Cryst B,
Shankland, K (Kenneth)
- [sdpd] Powder literature
in chinese,
- [sdpd] Rietveld and
Luca Mollica
- [sdpd] RE: Rietveld and
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] Powder diffraction
and pharmaceuticals,
emilio . tedesco . . .
- [sdpd] Optimal instrument
dicks . ml . . .
- [sdpd] Eprint,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] Sub-topics in SDPD,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] Thanks !,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] PPXRD-2,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] A bit of humor,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] Laugh? I nearly
Shankland, K (Kenneth)
- [sdpd] Unknown zeolite !,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] STX:RIET:CCP14:
Crysfire powder indexing suite update,
L. Cranswick
- [sdpd] STX:RIET: 230
spacegroups for Java in International Tables graphical format by
Jean-Jacques Rousseau,
L. Cranswick
- [sdpd] Pauling File
Binaries Edition,
Dr. Michael Berndt
- [sdpd] Digits in Fullprof,
Jean Le Bideau
- [sdpd] Query - CIF
formats and readers,
pstephens . . .
- [sdpd] FR2 WinMprof input
Jean Le Bideau
- [sdpd] Post Doctoral
Position at HMI,
Dimitri Argyriou
- [sdpd] Powder Diffraction
17 (2002) 1-6.,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] SDPD book out,
Shankland, K (Kenneth)
- [sdpd] REIT:STX: Forged
Emails supposedly from ccp14 with Viruses attached,
Lachlan Cranswick
- [sdpd] REIT:STX:CCP14:
New Version of Chekcell graphical powder indexing helper tool,
Lachlan Cranswick
- [sdpd] J. Appl. cryst.
Volume 35, Part 2,
Armel Le Bail
- Re: [sdpd] Encouragements,
Daniel Chateigner
- [sdpd] BaCO3,
Yong-Il Kim
- [sdpd] Basic Copper
Luis Conrado suarez Hincapie
- [sdpd] SDPD Internet
Course - Reductions,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] Carlota
Conesa-Moratilla/Cambridge/Accelrys is out of the office.,
carlota . . .
- [sdpd] SDPDD book first
critical review,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] STX:RIET:CCP14:
Powder XRD Search-Match Round Robin (SMRR) - 2002,
Lachlan Cranswick
- [sdpd] Philips
X'Celerator data,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] Re: Synchrotron
beam time proposals,
pstephens . . .
- [sdpd] First Announcement
and Preliminary Program for the Pharmaceutical Powder X-ray
Diffraction Symposium, PPXRD-2,
John Faber
- [sdpd]
STX:RIET:CCP14:Clay: Major bugfix version of Chekcell powder
indexing helper tool,
Lachlan Cranswick
- [sdpd] Search-Match Round
Robin (SMRR) - 2002 - Powder Diffraction,
- [sdpd] Identifying
unknown structures for organics,
- [sdpd] Interesting (?)
Rob Hart
- [sdpd] Powder Diffraction
SMRR-2002 - Step 2,
- [sdpd] SMRR Step 2 -
Error in sample 1 chemistry,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] Change in email
address -SDPD Course,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] Search-Match Round
Robin deadline next sunday,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] Powder Diffraction
SMRR-2002 : Results,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] New ENDEAVOUR
version - at reduced prices,
Dr. Michael Berndt
- [sdpd] Summer joke,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] Kennedy
Miller/MatLab/GL/Brand-Rex Ltd. is out of the office.,
kmiller . . .
- [sdpd]
RIET:STX:Clay:CCP14: Minor Crysfire 2000 powder indexing suite
Lachlan Cranswick
- [sdpd] Berman Balance for
precision density measurements?,
Lachlan Cranswick
- [sdpd] RIET: New version
of WinGX single crystal suite by Louis Farrugia,
Lachlan Cranswick
- [sdpd] STX:RIET: Job ad:
Powder Diffraction Crystallographer position at TAMU, Texas, USA,
Lachlan Cranswick
- [sdpd] STX:RIET:Clay:
IUCr 2002: Crystallographic Software Fayre at IUCr Geneva 2002
Lachlan Cranswick
- [sdpd] Book available,
pstephens . . .
- [sdpd] PDF-4 - More data
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] Philips -->
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] New Physics Theory,
- [sdpd]
RIET:STX:CLAY:CCP14: New bugfix version of Chekcell - plus IUCr
Geneva Software Fayre update,
Lachlan Cranswick
- [sdpd] Rietveld
refinement text?,
- [sdpd] ZefsaII update for
zeolite structure solution,
Lachlan Cranswick
- [sdpd] Inert atmosphere
sample scan problem?,
- [sdpd] STX:RIET: Update:
Xtal Software Demonstrations Sessions at the IUCr Geneva 2002
Lachlan Cranswick
- [sdpd] RIET:STX:Clay: New
Crysfire 2002 powder indexing suite by Robin Shirley,
Lachlan Cranswick
- [sdpd] FOX version 1.2,
L. Cranswick
- [sdpd] RIET:STX: Call for
papers - PPXRD-2 - 8-12 December 2002 - Pharmaceutical Powder X-ray
Lachlan Cranswick
Users' Mailing List,
Lachlan Cranswick
- [sdpd] Zeitschrift fuer
Kristallographie - Celebration Issue,
- [sdpd]
STX:RIET:Clay:CCP14: New update of Crysfire 2002 powder indexing
suite by Robin Shirley,
Lachlan Cranswick
- [sdpd] Seen at Geneva -
Call for reviews,
- [sdpd] reff/rfehm theory,
- [sdpd]
STX:RIET:Clay:CCP14: New Ross Angel Software website - including
Win-Integrate v3.3 and Absorb v5.2,
Lachlan Cranswick
- [sdpd] Re: Seen at Geneva
- Call for reviews,
- [sdpd] SDPD Round Robin 2,
- [sdpd] McMaille beta
version 0.9,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] REIT:CCP14: Plab
(PerL Angles and Bonds) for GSAS perl script by Jon Wright,
Lachlan Cranswick
- [sdpd] McMaiile V1.0,
-> orthorhombic,
- [sdpd] STX:RIET:CCP14:
Updated Crysfire 2002 powder indexing suite by Robin Shirley,
Lachlan Cranswick
- [sdpd] SDPDRR-2 reminder,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] Update : McMaille
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] Re: Re SDPDRR-2
reminder (Crysfire Bugfix),
Lachlan Cranswick
- [sdpd] Re: McMaille V2.0,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] Search/Match in
two parts with overlapping,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] New update on
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] STX: Dirdif for
UNIX and Windows,
Lachlan Cranswick
- [sdpd] Announcing SSPD'03,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] SDPDRR-2 - Step 1
last reminder,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] SDPDRR-2 - Step 1
- Results,
Armel Le Bail
- RE: [sdpd] Fullprof: No
reflections found---Check your input data,
Yokochi, Alexandre
- [sdpd] A QUESTION,
Jinhang Wang
- [sdpd] Scintag,
msb46 . . .
- [sdpd] STX:CLAY:CCP14:
Updated McMaille powder indexing program with black-box mode mode,
Lachlan Cranswick
- [sdpd] software with full
description of the space groups,
Helena Braga
- Re: [sdpd]
Robin Shirley
- [sdpd] ErSi2,
- [sdpd] X-Ray for
measuring stresses,
Navarro Rogelio
- [sdpd] Compilation of
diffraction data file formats,
Dr. Holger Putz
- Re: [sdpd] Format of
X-ray in Expo,
Consuelo García Cuesta
- [sdpd] Re: Format of
X-ray in Expo,
Markus Valkeapää <>
- [sdpd] diffractometer,
Zunbeltz Izaola
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