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[sdpd] Fullprof: No reflections found---Check your input data
Dear All:
I got an error message while trying to refine by Fullprof says: No
reflections found---Check your input data. Could you please tell which part
of input data should i check?
Thank you very much!
Xia Changtai
Toyota Central R & D Labs
----- Original Message -----
From: Armel Le Bail
To: sdpd...@yahoogroups.com
Cc: rietveld_l...@ill.fr
Sent: Monday, October 14, 2002 8:37 PM
Subject: [sdpd] SDPDRR-2 - Step 1 - Results
Dear Powder Diffraction Users,
The Indexing step 1 of the SDPDRR-2 (Structure Determination by
Powder Diffractometry Round Robin -2) is closed.
Despite of more than 100 data downloads, only 6 contributions were
received. This may indicate that the indexing bottleneck is still
there. Answers for samples 4-8 are very scarce. Owing to some
participant requests for giving more time to these 4-8 samples, we
will accept post-deadline answers which will be marked as such.
However, clear solutions have been provided for samples 1-3 which
are now the subject of step 2 (structure solution and refinement) still
running up to November 17th, 2002.
Best wishes,
Armel Le Bail and Lachlan Cranswick
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