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[sdpd] Seen at Geneva - Call for reviews


For those who were not at the XIX IUCr congress, or at 
EPDIC-8, some SDPD-related comments (personal views) :

Indexing -  Commercial companies (Accelrys, Bruker) make
                clear efforts (research) in order to break the 
                TREOR/DICVOL/ITO domination. Increasing
                computer power allows to propose "brute-force"
                approaches that needed too high CPU time
                ten years ago. Real exhaustivity and insensitivity
                to impurity presence are amost said to be obtained.
                Will you be able to afford the new software is
                another story. Many (at least 2 ;-) were asking for the 
                organization of an indexing round robin.

Direct Space - I was not at EPDIC8 but Yuri Andreev kindly
               sent me his Powerpoint file. He listed 12 programs
               in his review of Direct Space methods, giving details
               about their availability, larger problem solved (etc)
               as furnished by the developer's answers to a
               questionnaire. The 12 program names are :ENDEAVOUR,
               EAGER, OCTOPUS, PSSP, FOCUS, SAFE, 
               SIMULATED ANNEALING. Wow ! Soon 100 SDPD
               per year, and much more ??

Most speakers at Geneva were not having this sense of the review.
Even with a general title for their conference, they were generally
essentially speaking of their own (or team) results, just as if they
were alone in the world doing that kind of thing.

Other comments :
Being French, I could understand some waitress during
parties speaking about the eager of crystallographers
concerning food : " those people have no education" . The fact
is that sometimes the food could not attain the tables,
particularly during the Israel evening ;-).

Why waiting the IUCr Newsletters for doing your own review
of these congress (we receive these Newsletters too late,
anyway) ? Send here your comments. This may help those
having not the chance to attend. Thanks


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