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[sdpd] STX:RIET: Job ad: Powder Diffraction Crystallographer position at TAMU, Texas, USA
Sent on behalf of Abraham Clearfield (clearfield...@mail.chem.tamu.edu)
The Department of Chemistry at Texas A&M University seeks applications
for a full time crystallographer position. The successful candidate
should hold a PhD in chemistry or a related field and have extensive
experience with X-ray powder methods. Responsibilities will include
1) Collecting data from powder samples
2) Perform structural determination from powder samples (SDPD) and
Rietveld refinement;
3) Train and assist students and faculty with data collection and SDPD and
4) Maintain diffractometers and computer network.
Knowledge in the field of single crystal X-ray analysis is also
expected. The successful candidate will be part of the departmental
facility that currently hosts six Bruker diffractometers including two
Smart 1000, an APEX CCD, a GADDS, a D8 and a D8 high-resolution powder
diffractometers. This year, we expect to add an 18kW X-ray unit for low
and high angle diffractometry. Applicants should send a resume, a
publication list as well as the name of two references to Francois P.
Gabbai, Chemistry Department, Texas A&M University, 3255 TAMU, College
Station, TX 77843-3255. The deadline for applications is Aug. 1st, 2002.
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