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[sdpd] question:cell paramaters calculation?

Hello all,
I have some questions regarding the calculations of
cell parameters: so by using dicvol91 for my sample I
get the following paramters:
a= 7.7302
b= 11.8153
F(20)=6.3 (0.0106,301)
after that I used chekcell programe ( refinement
calculation)I have this results which can be seen
below: I have new valus (final value) for all
parameters so my questions is: which valus I have to
take: the dicvol or the checkcell program or I have to
run a gain dicvol program with the new peaks corrected
by the 2T zero shift.
-------------- some lignes of checkcell
Number of reflections     : 32		
Refinement constraints    : NO   	
Standard error :   .8646									
   -3    5    4   74.357      74.346      74.332      
Sqrt(Sum(Th O-C)**2)/(Nref-Npar)) =    .005952	
	e/R(°)	Lambda	a	b	c	alpha	beta	gamma	Vol
Initial	0	1.54056	7.7302	11.8153	6.3006	90	109.96	90
Final	0.01329	1.54056	7.7337	11.8258	6.3013	90	109.9
90	541.9
Sigmas	0.0013	1.54056	0.0006	0.0008	0.0004	0	0	0

    H	    K	    L	  2T(Obs)	  2T-Zero	  2Th(Cal)	  
Dif	  DoCor.	  DCalc	

1	0	0	12.18	12.167	12.161	0.006	7.2684	7.272	

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