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[sdpd] STX:RIET:CCP14:Clay: Major bugfix version of Chekcell powder indexing helper tool
Some rather serious bugs were introduced in recent versions
of Chekcell to get around problems on how TAUP reports
monoclinic cells (this affected Hexagonal and Rhombohedral cells)
There is also a new 2nd/3rd June 2002 version of Chekcell for Windows
graphical indexing helper tool for assigning cells and spacegroups
from powder data by Jean Laugier and Bernard Bochu - part of
the LMGP software suite.
(Chekcell interlinks with Robin Shirley's Crysfire powder indexing
UK: http://www.ccp14.ac.uk/ccp/web-mirrors/lmgp-laugier-bochu/
CA: http://ccp14.sims.nrc.ca/ccp/web-mirrors/lmgp-laugier-bochu/
US: http://ccp14.semo.edu/ccp/web-mirrors/lmgp-laugier-bochu/
AU: http://ccp14.minerals.csiro.au/ccp/web-mirrors/lmgp-laugier-bochu/
Chekcell Tutorials:
UK: http://www.ccp14.ac.uk/tutorial/lmgp/#chekcell
CA: http://ccp14.sims.nrc.ca/tutorial/lmgp/#chekcell
US: http://ccp14.semo.edu/ccp/tutorial/lmgp/#chekcell
AU: http://ccp14.minerals.csiro.au/tutorial/lmgp/#chekcell
It is recommended anyone using Chekcell to aid in powder
indexing download this update.
Also, if not obvious from the Chekcell interface, when you find
a cell you are happy with it - make sure to test this with Ton
Spek's "LePage" software. LePage for Windows is provided
within Chekcell.
If you have found high FOM monoclinic, orthorhomic, hexagonal
cells, etc - LePage super-cell searching can commonly find higher
symmetry cells that fit all the lines with less superfluous
reflections. This is due to the habit of many indexing programs in
favouring low volume low symmetry cells over the "true" high volume,
high symmetry cell. LePage super-cell searching can provide an
important tool for helping obtain (or confirm) a good high symmetry cell.
An example runthrough of this is at:
Using Ton Spek's Lepage within Chekcell to find super-cells and
better powder indexing trial cell solutions
Lachlan M. D. Cranswick
1st June 2002 until 1st July 2002
Geochemistry: Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University
PO Box 1000, 61 Route 9W Palisades, New York 10964-1000 USA
Tel: (845) 365-8302 Fax: (845) 365-8155
Collaborative Computational Project No 14 (CCP14)
for Single Crystal and Powder Diffraction
Birkbeck University of London and Daresbury Laboratory
Postal Address: CCP14 - School of Crystallography,
Birkbeck College,
Malet Street, Bloomsbury,
WC1E 7HX, London, UK
Tel: (+44) 020 7631 6850 Fax: (+44) 020 7631 6803
E-mail: l.m.d.cranswick...@dl.ac.uk Room: B091
WWW: http://www.ccp14.ac.uk/
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