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RE: [sdpd] Inert atmosphere sample scan problem?
Well, what is your instrumental setup?
If you can scan samples packed in capillaries, and you have a glove box
handy, then it is no problem.
If you have a constant background holder (e.g., Si plate, etc), you can
sprinkle some powder on sticky tape and stick to the sample holder. The
tape protects for a short time (hours, not days).
If you need to have a very long scan, you could try to cover the front with
thin metallized mylar tape but it is more trouble to seal (I have used
pieces of my daughter's birthday ballons for this purpose when I don't want
to take the trouble to pack in capillary). Someone has reccommended self
adhesive mylar in the past for this purpose, which may work just as well.
Dr. Alexandre F. T. Yokochi
Assistant Professor (Senior Research)
Department of Chemistry
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97331-4003
Ph: 541-737-6724 email: alex.yokochi...@orst.edu
Fax: 541-737-2062 web: www.chem.orst.edu/yokochi
-----Original Message-----
From: nomadenigma [mailto:nomadenigma...@hotmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 11:58 AM
To: sdpd...@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [sdpd] Inert atmosphere sample scan problem?
I have a sample that's been packed under nitrogen and I want to know
if there is any way I could do a room temperature scan without any
contact with air during sample preparation and during scanning.
I could think of preparing a sample on a sample holder in a glove
box, but transferring from the glove box to the x-ray machine would
be a problem.
Is there any suggestions or any other ways of doing this without
exposing the sample in air?
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