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[sdpd] J. Appl. cryst. Volume 35, Part 2
The last issue of the Journal of Applied Crystallography is kind
with SDPD. Two new (complex) structure determinations, and some
improvements added into EXPO. New program names : Safe and
- Ab initio structure determination of triphenyl phosphite by powder
synchrotron X-ray diffraction
O. Hernandez, A. Hédoux, J. lefebvre, Y. Guinet, M. Descamps,
R. Papoular and O. Masson,
J. Appl. Cryst. 35 (2002) 212-219.
P(OC6H5)3, R-3, 22 non-hydrogen atoms, 6 torsion angles,
Programs used : DICVOL, DASH, JANA2000
- The application of structure envelopes in structure determination from
powder diffraction data
S. Brenner, L.B. McCusker and C. Baerlocher,
J. Appl. Cryst. 35 (2002) 243-252.
C32N3O6H53 (tri-beta-peptide), P212121, 41 non-hydrogen atoms,
17 torsion angles.
Programs used: TREOR, DICVOL, EXTRACT, SayPerm, Safe, Focus, XRS-82 .
- Real-space technique applied to crystal structure determination from
powder data
A. Altomare, C. Cuocci, C. Giacovazzo, A. Guagliardi, A.G. Moliterni and R.
J. Appl. Cryst. 35 (2002) 182-184.
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