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Re: [sdpd] Re: Synchrotron beam time proposals
Dear Prof PW Stephens
Thank you for the kind services you have offered.
I am interested in using your synchrotron facility.
I have some FePt films grown by sputtering method. I
want to study the Circular magentic dichorism using
synchrotron X rays. Is it possible there?
I have not yet completed the experiment. In one months
time I hope I can send the samples to you.
Looking for your reply and assistance
Dr George Varghese
Visting Fellow
Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Calcutta, India
--- pstephens...@notes.cc.sunysb.edu wrote: > Dear
> Some of the discussion I read here looks a bit like
> synchrotron-envy, and I
> am writing to remind you that all of the synchrotron
> sources that have good
> powder diffraction beamlines also have programs to
> give access to people
> who are not presently in the system. At the NSLS,
> they are called general
> users, and I am happy to help people use the
> resource to the extent of
> receiving your sample by mail, collecting the data,
> and sending it back to
> you. Here is a testimonial from no less a
> personage than Armel Le Bail.
> "It is worth the effort to write a proposal. No need
> to go to the US, your
> local contact may record the pattern(s) for you. I
> have tried and it
> worked, the problem was solved and the manuscript is
> submitted, in less
> than 6 months. Wonderful ! - Armel -"
> For the NSLS, short proposals are due at the end of
> this month; follow
> links from nslsweb.nsls.bnl.gov. The proposals are
> essentially never
> declined, and I am happy to find a time slot to put
> in the sample, probably
> much sooner than anything would be scheduled through
> the usual pathway.
> Please contact me if you are interested and/or have
> questions.
> Best,
> Peter
> ~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~
> Peter W. Stephens
> Professor and Director of the Graduate Program
> Department of Physics & Astronomy
> State University of New York
> Stony Brook, NY 11794-3800
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