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[sdpd] Rietveld + shear planes
i come back to ask something about shearplanes and
Rietveld. i did not have chance the last time, since
my mail corresponded to a serious discussion about
problems of diffractometers and resolution.
well, my question is :
- Is it possible to modelize the influence of
shearplanes inside grains on diffraction spectra,
suppossing that these shearplanes do not induce
superstructures. I have strange relative evolution of
(h00),(0k0), and (00l) reflections in WO3 compounds,
that i suppose come from extended defects (like
The idea would be to cut a coherent (small) grain in
two parts, separated by this shear plane, and see the
difference on diffraction spectra of statistical
population of these grains (totally coherent, and cut
by the shear plane)
Hopping to have some success,
Thanks a lot
Dr. G. Dezanneau
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