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Re: [sdpd] Format of X-ray in Expo

Dear Hamid,
in expo you can use the format as you want, bt you have to specify it in the
entry file, for example this:

%struct PITT
%job PITT *****Beca de Colaboración*****
range  5.00   120.00  0.02
pattern pitt.dat
format (17x,f15.5)
cont c 44 h 48 n 16 s 8
wave  1.54180
cell 13.2237 12.2401 7.7049   90.00 99.2365 90.000
space P 21/c

Consuelo García Cuesta
Universidad de Extremadura
----- Original Message -----
From: "hamid m" <hamdane99...@yahoo.com>
To: <Rietveld_l...@ill.fr>; <sdpd...@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Saturday, December 14, 2002 12:53 PM
Subject: [sdpd] Format of X-ray in Expo

> Dear All,
> I have one powder x-ray diffraction in the format
> 2 theta/ intensity like the bellow example:
>    2Theta    Intensity
>      10.00     1236
>      10.02     1365
>      10.04      453
>      10.06    12362
>        .        .
>        .        .
>        .        .
> I want to use expo for a dirrect method solving, the
> x-ray spectrum appear in the expo is not correct I
> tried to use the command Format like (FX.2, FY.0) (X
> and Y depend on the number of coluns) but it does not
> work, So I would like to ask if any one knows about
> this format or if expo do not works with such format
> as the example given in the expo has different format
> Thank you
> Hamid
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