Mail Thread Index - 2007
- [sdpd] Thermal expansion
of Iron - reg,
Murugesan S
- [sdpd] CCP14
administration (,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] Manju Rajeswaran
is out of the office.,
manju . rajeswaran . . .
- [sdpd] Update of the
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] Supplier of low
background sample plate,
- [sdpd] Announcement of
the PPDF-1 (Predicted Powder Diffraction File),
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] background
soustraction and sample standard,
- [sdpd] Mylar Foil,
- [sdpd] RIET: Seventh
Canadian Powder Diffraction Workshop - 16th to 18th May 2007,
Trois-Rivières , Québec , Canada,
Lachlan Cranswick
- [sdpd] What software ?
The definitive answer.,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] size distribution,
amartin . . .
- [sdpd] Crystallinity of
Narayanan Lakshminarasimhan
- [sdpd] RIET: 4th April
2007 Colloquium in memoriam of Prof.Dr. Erwin Parthe (1928-2006),
Vienna, Austria,
Lachlan Cranswick
- [sdpd] Re: deconvolution,
- [sdpd] 2nd TOPAS Users'
- [sdpd] RIET: Registration
deadline 13th April - Seventh Canadian Powder Diffraction Workshop -
16th to 18th May 2007, Trois-Rivières , Québec , Canada,
Lachlan Cranswick
- [sdpd] Nominations sought,
Cora Lind
- [sdpd] Latin American
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] Superman and SDPD,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] Instrumental
Broadening Calculation - reg,
Murugesan S
- Re: [sdpd] Instrumental
Resoution Function (IRF) using Winplor,
Cristian Perca
- [sdpd] Hard to believe ?,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] When R lowers why
mot Rp,
- [sdpd] GEST,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] XLENS,
José Miguel Galiana
- RE : [sdpd] Dislocation
density Measurement,
khereddine yazid
- Re: [sdpd] Diffractogramm
Michael Glazer
- [sdpd] Dislocation
Density Calculation - reg,
Murugesan S
- Re : [sdpd]
Diffractogramm simulation,
Samuel Meulenyzer
- Re: [sdpd] Diffractogramm
simulation, auto cif->pattern,
Vincent Favre-Nicolin
- [sdpd] About GSAS,
- [sdpd] Exp. CIF simulated
powder pattern for charge density,
- [sdpd] gnuplot help
Murugesan S
- [sdpd] Rietveld
refinement needs,
Semih Seyyidoglu
- [sdpd] Re: Crystal
structure solution and neutron Time of flight data,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] Inorganic and MOF
crystal structure prediction,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] RIET: Updated
software and publication list for Charge Flipping,
Lachlan Cranswick
- Re: [sdpd] Texture/Stress,
chentouf samir
- [sdpd] GSAS instrument
parameter file,
Jim Murowchick
- [sdpd] Rietveld
- Re: [sdpd] software
request for calculating FWHM,
Seyed Reza Alavi Zaree
- [sdpd] Is SDPD useless
right now ?,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] RIET: Pre-Osaka
2008 IUCr Congress donations to Larry Calvert CNC/IUCr Trust Fund
Lachlan Cranswick
- [sdpd] FPSchool-2008 ...@
ILL: 1st announcement,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] RIET: November
2007 issue of the IUCr Computing Commission newsletter on-line,
Lachlan Cranswick
- [sdpd] CPD Newsletter 35
available since June 2007,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] Searching for
Huber Diffraktionstechnik GmbH,
Thomas Kerestedjian
- [sdpd] RIET: New version
of XRD2DScan for analysing 2D diffraction data,
Lachlan Cranswick
- [sdpd] Theory of
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] RIET: Larry
Calvert travel awards to IUCr 2008, Osaka, Japan,
Lachlan Cranswick
- [sdpd] NCNR Job Vacancy
in Diffraction,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] 2 Positions
available at Caen, Normandy, France,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] EPDIC 2006 texts
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] Problems with Chi2
and WRp,
- Re:[sdpd] EPDIC-11 -
September 2008,
ZhenHua Liang
- [sdpd] Reynolds Cup 2008,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] Williamson _ Hall
plot in Winplotr - reg,
Murugesan S
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