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Re: [sdpd] Diffractogramm simulation, auto cif->pattern

	Dear all,

   You can also simulate powder patterns with Fox - as with any other Rietvel 
program as already pointed out.

   And more specifically for Armel, you can now auto-generate powder patterns 
from a cif file. I just added a new command line option. e.g. if you have a 
cif file "mycrystal.cif" including two crystal structures, you can generate 
the simulated powder patterns using:
Fox --cif2pattern 1.5406 170 50000 .1 mycrystal.cif

This will generate two files with a simulated pattern, with wavelength=1.5406
 up to 170° with 5000 points and a peak width of 0.1°

The two files will be mycif.cif_000000.dat and mycif.cif_000001.dat

(use Fox.exe (with full path) instead of Fox in windows, and append several 
cif files (or Fox xml files) if you want.

   It still needs to be tested -it was a quick job tonight. Get it as the new 
BETA/TEST version of Fox for windows from sourceforge:


   Sorry, did not update the macosx and Linux versions yet (Linux users can 
update using svn though).

  Note that it only generates a text/2-column file - no graphics but that can 
be done trivially from the output file using e.g. python+matplotlib.

   Note however that (as of this release) Fox will first load all crystal 
structures in memory, then generate the powder pattern for all the valid 
crystal structures it encountered. So for 100000 crystal structures in a 
single cif (why ?) you'll definitely have a memory problem (and you would 
have to make sure the cif data block names are different for all structures). 
However if you put several cif files as input:
Fox --cif2pattern 1.5406 170 50000 .1 mycrystal1.cif mycrystal2.cif ...

  Then Fox will read the files sequentially without memory issues.

Vincent Favre-Nicolin
Université Joseph Fourier
ObjCryst & Fox : http://objcryst.sourceforge.net

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