Mail Thread Index - 1999
- [sdpd] DIRDIF applied to
SDPDRR sample 2,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] Endeavour 0.9.1
applied to SDPDRR sample 1,
Armel Le Bail
- Message not available
- Message not available
- [sdpd] indexing
Jean-Marc Joubert
- [sdpd] Re: indexing
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] DIRDIF applied to
SDPDRR sample 1,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] From MSI: Post
deadline submission for round robin,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] New ENDEAVOUR
release (fwd),
L. Cranswick
- [sdpd] Available Powder
Diffraction Indexing Software and References Web-page,
L. Cranswick
- [sdpd] ESPOIR 1.0 release,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] Scratch,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] Re: Scratch,
Gregory A Stephenson
- [sdpd] Re: F1 and Monte
Andrzej Grzechnik
- [sdpd] Materials Science
Consortium Grows,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] Re: Materials
Science Consortium Grows,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] Re: Challenging
Dr. Michael Berndt
- [sdpd] Rietveld method
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] Bucky Balls,
dsimon5163 . . .
- [sdpd] Re: Bucky Balls,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] Espoir version 2,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] ESPOIR 2.00
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] IUCr Glasgow Aug
1999 Software Fayre Update,
L. Cranswick
- [sdpd] Re: I am new here!,
Dr. Jaap Vente
- [sdpd] Re: I am new here!
some comments by Julian Gale,
Dr. Jaap Vente
- [sdpd] Structure
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] Re: Rietveld
Method Definition,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] Li3RuO4,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] Re: Li3RuO4,
Dr. Michael Berndt
- [sdpd] New version of
Overlap program for Processing Extracted Intensities.,
L. Cranswick
- [sdpd] Re: SYMMETRY
L. Cranswick
- [sdpd] Rietveld
refinement for dust diagrams,
- [sdpd] Re: Rietveld
refinement for dust diagrams,
Yvon Laligant
- [sdpd] No Subject,
Mr. Digamber Porob
- [sdpd] Re: No Subject,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] C4H4CuAlCl4,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] Re: Web runthrough
of using GSAS for Le Bail,
L. Cranswick
- [sdpd] Information on
MartinUlrich_Schmidt . . .
- [sdpd] Update for
WinDIRDIF Structure Solution Software,
L. Cranswick
- [sdpd] LMGP
Crystallography suite for Windows by Jean Laugier and Bernard Bochu
- Crystallography and Powder Diffraction Software,
L. Cranswick
- [sdpd] Time for an
indexation Round Robin ?,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] Re: Time for an
indexation Round Robin ?,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] Indexing by HRTEM,
MartinUlrich_Schmidt . . .
- [sdpd] Re: Indexing by
MartinUlrich_Schmidt . . .
- [sdpd] Introduction-nice
to see all of you again,
nys1664 . . .
- [sdpd] C61Br2 and Y2K,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] Update versions of
CELREF and POUDRIX for Windows,
L. Cranswick
- [sdpd] RESEND: Update
versions of CELREF and POUDRIX for Windows,
L. Cranswick
- [sdpd] Powsim, Simpel,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] Re: Powsim,
Simpel, Dorees...,
Jon Wright
- [sdpd] New CRYSFIRE (by
Robin Shirley et al) Powder Indexing Suite for DOS/Windows,
L. Cranswick
- [sdpd] Dirdif 99.2
Structure Solution Software for DOS, Windows, UNIX, VMS,
L. Cranswick
- [sdpd] Epidemic of
licence file,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] Re: Epidemic of
licence file,
N. Dragoe
- [sdpd] Bugfix version of
CRYSFIRE Powder Diffraction Indexing Suite now available.,
L. Cranswick
- [sdpd] test - don't read,
Barwood, Henry L
- [sdpd] Re: test - don't
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] Only 5 subscribed
for the SDPD Internet Course ??!!,
Thomas Kerestedjian
- [sdpd] Re: Only 5
subscribed for the SDPD Internet Course ??!!,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] One question about
molecule location methods,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] Re: One question
about molecule location methods,
MartinUlrich_Schmidt . . .
- [sdpd] a suggestion...,
Helio Salim de Amorim
- [sdpd] Re: a
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] Re: RIET/SDPD a
L. Cranswick
- [sdpd] EPDIC 7 Powder
Diffraction Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 20th to the 23rd of May,
L. Cranswick
- [sdpd] PowBase,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] Re: [PowBase],
L. Cranswick
- [sdpd] Re: RIET: Use of
CIF as advocated by Lachlan,
L. Cranswick
- [sdpd] Re: [ PowBase],
John Faber
- [sdpd] Re: : Use of CIF
as advocated by Lachlan,
Robin Shirley
- [sdpd] Update on the LMGP
Crystallographic Software Suite,
L. Cranswick
- [sdpd] Crystallographic
Instrumentation and Software Mailing List,
L. Cranswick
- [sdpd] Powder files .rtv
at IUCr,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] Re-using software
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] Re: Fwd: Re-using
software pieces,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] Powder Diffraction
Structure Solution Pathways webpage,
L. Cranswick
- [sdpd] Update of Celref,
L. Cranswick
- [sdpd] ZEFSA II (GPL'd)
Structure Solution of Zeolites Software,
L. Cranswick
- [sdpd] Regards,
Ana Maria Cordon Rodriguez
- [sdpd] ESPOIR 2.02,
Armel Le Bail
- [sdpd] Test - ignore,
Barwood, Henry L
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