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[sdpd] Re: Structure prediction

Further to your request for references on crystal structure prediction, here
is a recent and comprehensive review:

"Computer simulation to predict possible crystal polymorphs"
P. Verwer and F.J.J. Leusen, in Reviews in Computational Chemistry, Volume
12, K.B. Lipkowitz and D.B. Boyd (Eds.), Wiley-VCH, New York, pp. 327-365


Armel Le Bail wrote:

> I would recommend the reading of "Are Crystal
> Structures Predictables ?" by A. Gavezotti, Acc. Chem.
> Res. 27 (1994) 309-314.
> If someone has references for more recent review papers,
> please let me know. That structure prediction topic
> may be the cause of our firing, folks !

Gerhard E. Engel
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