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[sdpd] Update of Celref

With respect to a previous post.  There is now a new
release of Celref by Jean Laugier and Bernard Bochu
that no longer tries to unzoom the raw data plot
after calculating lines with a spacegroup.


The "Using Celref (normally used as Unit Cell Refinement 
software) to help Assign a Spacegroup after Powder 
Indexing" has been changed to take this into account.



Lachlan M. D. Cranswick

Collaborative Computational Project No 14 (CCP14)
    for Single Crystal and Powder Diffraction
Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington, WA4 4AD U.K
Tel: +44-1925-603703  Fax: +44-1925-603124
E-mail: l.cranswick... @dl.ac.uk  Ext: 3703  Room C14