See what you will probably never see in reality, thanks to the PCOD
Three-dimensional B2O3 models (not DFT-optimized)
as predicted by GRINSP
Construction of these B2O3 models (3D, 2D,
1D and 0D)
described in 2005 and 2010 in refs. [1 and 8] - BO3 triangles
interconnected exclusively by corner-sharing. See other works in a 2012 paper (close to 20
models) and in a 2016 thesis.
Data from the 2009 (766 models) and 2010
(5118 models) PCOD updates. Ordered by increasing FD (Framework Density) :
larger tunnels and biggest cavities.
Not exhaustive list (more will be added during the next weeks, maybe)...
References for these GRINSP predictions :
1- Inorganic structure prediction with GRINSP. A. Le Bail, J. Appl. Cryst.
38 (2005) 389-395.
2- Predicted corner-sharing titanium silicates. A. Le Bail, Z. Kristallogr.,
Suppl. 26 (2007) 203-208.
3- Powerpoint file : Contribution to the "Gordon Conference Style" Workshop
: Global Optimisation Techniques Applied to the Prediction of Structures,
5-7 July 2006, University College London (.ppt
or zipped)
4- Advances in structure prediction of inorganic compounds. A. Le Bail,
Report of 2nd Algerian Crystallography Congress, Algérie (2005).
5- Hypothetical AlF3 crystal structures, A. Le Bail, F.
Calvayrac, J. Solid State Chem., 179 (2006) 3159-3166.
6- Inorganic structure prediction: too much and not enough, A. Le Bail,
Solid State Phenomena 130 (2007) 1-6.
7- Frontiers between crystal structure prediction and determination by
powder diffractometry, A. Le Bail, Powder Diffraction, S23 (2008) S5-S12.
8- Databases of virtual inorganic crystal structures and their applications,
A. Le Bail, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 12 (2010) 8521-8530. DOI:
Etc - search by yourself after all...
The following shows that GRINSP may be used for the automatic building
of decorative ceramic plaques for bathrooms or swimming pools ;-).
PCOD1500386 FD = 9.30 CIF

PCOD1500059 FD = 9.81 CIF

PCOD1500497 FD = 9.89 CIF

PCOD1500459 FD = 9.92 CIF
PCOD1500120 FD = 9.96 CIF

PCOD1500430 FD = 10.19 CIF

PCOD1500279 FD = 10.42 CIF

PCOD1500380 FD = 10.79 CIF

PCOD1500249 FD = 10.97 CIF

PCOD1500240 FD = 11.26 CIF

PCOD1500379 FD = 11.40 CIF

PCOD1500277 FD = 11.69 CIF

PCOD1500575 FD = 11.75 CIF

PCOD1500332 FD = 11.88 CIF

PCOD1500298 FD = 11.99 CIF

PCOD1500456 FD = 12.13 CIF

PCOD1500192 FD = 12.14 CIF
PCOD1500248 FD = 12.15 CIF

PCOD1500145 FD = 12.18 CIF

PCOD1500396 FD = 12.19 CIF

PCOD1500283 FD = 12.37 CIF

PCOD1500117 FD = 12.46 CIF

PCOD1500481 FD = 12.46 CIF

PCOD1500472 FD = 12.48 CIF
PCOD1500725 FD = 12.52 CIF

PCOD1500473 FD = 12.52 CIF
PCOD1500387 FD = 12.54 CIF

PCOD1500290 FD = 12.54 CIF

PCOD1500289 FD = 12.72 CIF

PCOD1500327 FD = 12.75 CIF

PCOD1500675 FD = 12.77 CIF

PCOD1500124 FD = 12.81 CIF

PCOD1500189 FD = 12.87 CIF
PCOD1500313 FD = 12.88 CIF

PCOD1500108 FD = 12.94 CIF

PCOD1500453 FD = 12.99 CIF

PCOD1500202 FD = 13.03 CIF
PCOD1500239 FD = 13.04 CIF

PCOD1500107 FD = 13.06 CIF

PCOD1500181 FD = 13.09 CIF
PCOD1500467 FD = 13.10 CIF
This one looks to be the same as 15000181 but with a x 2 and F432 instead
of P23 - the coordination sequence (CS) is used for differentiation of the
models. The CS estimation in GRINSP is sometimes (rarely) deficient. There
was a slight difference found, probably in error.
PCOD1500308 FD = 13.18 CIF

PCOD1500276 FD = 13.19 CIF

PCOD1500460 FD = 13.20 CIF
PCOD1500389 FD = 13.25 CIF

PCOD1500009 FD = 13.27 CIF

PCOD1500315 FD = 13.32 CIF

PCOD1500434 FD = 13.33 CIF

PCOD1500293 FD = 13.37 CIF

PCOD1500296 FD = 13.45 CIF

PCOD1500005 FD = 13.45 CIF

PCOD1500103 FD = 13.47 CIF

PCOD1500614 FD = 13.57 CIF

PCOD1500377 FD = 13.58 CIF

PCOD1500672 FD = 13.59 CIF

PCOD1500128 FD = 13.61 CIF

PCOD1500462 FD = 13.66 CIF
PCOD1500106 FD = 13.66 CIF

PCOD1500449 FD = 13.69 CIF

PCOD1500471 FD = 13.71 CIF
PCOD1500627 FD = 13.75 CIF

PCOD1500198 FD = 13.75 CIF
PCOD1500563 FD = 13.78 CIF

PCOD1500087 FD = 13.79 CIF

PCOD1500369 FD = 13.81 CIF

PCOD1500465 FD = 13.85 CIF
PCOD1500505 FD = 13.87 CIF

PCOD1500179 FD = 14.00 CIF

PCOD1500482 FD = 14.00 CIF

PCOD1500284 FD = 14.02 CIF

Or a few among many (thousands...) having larger FD (smaller tunnels or
cavities) :
PCOD1500196 FD = 14.21 CIF
PCOD1500209 FD = 14.73 CIF
PCOD1500203 FD = 14.78 CIF
PCOD1500190 FD = 15.29 CIF
PCOD1500476 FD = 15.45 CIF
PCOD1500474 FD = 15.50 CIF
PCOD1500208 FD = 15.51 CIF
PCOD1500183 FD = 15.82 CIF
PCOD1500477 FD = 19.95 CIF

PCOD1501423 FD = 28.79 CIF
More decorative ceramic plaques for bathrooms or swimming pools (BO3
triangles with O atoms not represented by red spheres) :