See what you will probably never see in reality, thanks to the PCOD
Two-dimensional B2O3 models (not DFT-optimized) as
predicted by GRINSP
They can be porous too...
Construction of these B2O3 models (3D,
2D, 1D and 0D)
described in 2005 and 2010 in refs. [1 and 8] - BO3 triangles
interconnected exclusively by corner-sharing. See other works in a 2012 paper and in a 2016 thesis.
Data from the 2009 (766 models) and 2010
(5118 models) PCOD updates.
Not exhaustive list (more will be added during the next weeks, maybe)...
References for these GRINSP predictions :
1- Inorganic structure prediction with GRINSP. A. Le Bail, J. Appl. Cryst.
38 (2005) 389-395.
2- Predicted corner-sharing titanium silicates. A. Le Bail, Z. Kristallogr.,
Suppl. 26 (2007) 203-208.
3- Powerpoint file : Contribution to the "Gordon Conference Style" Workshop
: Global Optimisation Techniques Applied to the Prediction of Structures,
5-7 July 2006, University College London (.ppt
or zipped)
4- Advances in structure prediction of inorganic compounds. A. Le Bail,
Report of 2nd Algerian Crystallography Congress, Algérie (2005).
5- Hypothetical AlF3 crystal structures, A. Le Bail, F.
Calvayrac, J. Solid State Chem., 179 (2006) 3159-3166.
6- Inorganic structure prediction: too much and not enough, A. Le Bail,
Solid State Phenomena 130 (2007) 1-6.
7- Frontiers between crystal structure prediction and determination by
powder diffractometry, A. Le Bail, Powder Diffraction, S23 (2008) S5-S12.
8- Databases of virtual inorganic crystal structures and their applications,
A. Le Bail, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 12 (2010) 8521-8530. DOI:
Etc - search by yourself after all...
The following shows that GRINSP may be used for the automatic building
of decorative ceramic plaques for bathrooms or swimming pools ;-).
PCOD1500346 CIF

PCOD1500362 CIF

PCOD1500418 CIF

PCOD1500156 CIF

PCOD1500153 CIF

PCOD1501713 CIF

PCOD1501650 CIF

PCOD1500158 CIF

PCOD1500152 CIF

PCOD1500144 CIF

PCOD1500097 CIF

PCOD1500147 CIF

PCOD1500138 CIF

PCOD1500105 CIF

PCOD1501671 CIF

PCOD1501659 CIF

PCOD1500417 CIF

PCOD1500048 CIF

PCOD1500307 CIF

PCOD1500251 CIF

PCOD1501151 CIF

PCOD1500731 CIF

PCOD1502281 CIF

PCOD1500002 CIF

PCOD1500626 CIF

PCOD1500003 CIF

PCOD1500617 CIF

PCOD1500250 CIF

PCOD1500494 CIF

PCOD1500664 CIF

PCOD1500737 CIF

PCOD1500591 CIF

PCOD1500644 CIF

PCOD1500736 CIF

PCOD1500304 CIF

PCOD1500560 CIF

PCOD1500558 CIF

PCOD1500709 CIF

PCOD1500643 CIF

PCOD1500681 CIF

PCOD1500704 CIF

PCOD1502072 CIF

PCOD1501250 CIF

PCOD1501545 CIF

PCOD1500762 CIF

PCOD1500724 CIF

PCOD1500176 CIF

PCOD1500142 CIF